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  • Just for future reference dx5 head info required please?

    Posted by Steve Maple on November 9, 2014 at 10:50 am

    I have not taken the head from my mutoh valuejet 1204.

    I am aware that the dx5 head comes from the epson stylus pro from either the
    4800 7800 9800 and that these do not have the gold teflon coating on them but
    the 4880 7880 and 9880 do have the gold coating / teflon whatever it is.

    so IF my printer is from 2009, does it have the gold head.

    WHEN it goes, can I fit a head from a 4880 and switch onto it the solvent head cap.

    I think I am aware that the dx5’s get coded so IF YOU LIKE a 4880 head will only go up the encoder strip 17 inches
    the 7880 head will only go up 24 inches
    so do I have to get one from a 9880 to get the full travel, or is this an old wives tale?

    I have switched a 7880 teflon head into a non teflon 4800 machine and it works, so know its ok big to small

    so is this coding a reality? or bolognes

    while I am on I know for sure that the dx4 head caps are water and solvent, as I purposely melted or softened a water dx4 headcap to satisfy my curiousity
    is the dx5 cap ALL solvent – solvent proof plastic, I did have one but didn’t do the test.

    Loic Delor replied 7 years, 9 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Chris Wool

    November 9, 2014 at 11:12 am

    not loog ago had to change the head on my VS roland, i followed all the threads i could find and desided that there was too much hear say and that the width restriction did exsist with chips being produced to overcome the problem. you try and buy them joke
    in the end bought all the real ones paid through the nose by comparison but it worked as it should back to earning money quickly.

    very few people are getting round the problem because a one point duing production the limits where bought in so early heads worked later did not.

    some of the chinese wide format printers have found away john thompson may know more about that.

  • Steve Maple

    November 9, 2014 at 11:55 am

    is it as simple as ……

    a head is a head, you are lead to beleive you need to input the code on the new head, when in fact you should simply keep the original for the machine

    i.e. you have a r1900 printer, its given the code – limit travel to ‘x’ , set voltage to ‘x’ for pigment water
    when in fact you shouldn’t change the code at all, and actually remove the sticker from the original machines head and transfer it to the new.

    surely a head can only overheat and mess itself up, if it is receiving too much power and its overheating – granted if it is not receiving ink – flow for cooling it will burn up.

  • John Thomson

    November 9, 2014 at 2:13 pm

    I am not an expert by any means but Epson I believe started inserting a code into Dx5 heads specifically to stop people using heads from small format printers in large format printers. The code limits the width you can print buy inserting lines.

    It shows the level of profit in these heads when a complete small printer with a DX5 head can be sold for far less than they charge for a large format head on its own.

    there is a Chinese chip that piggy backs to over come the encryption……..I have read that is works but clearly cannot vouch for it. … 34766.html


  • Steve Maple

    November 9, 2014 at 2:36 pm

    so its nowt to do with dx5 for solvent printers,
    merely model spewcifics for their own stuff so you cant fit a 17 inch wide printers head into a 4 footer ‘you know, what you would do if you had bought a large and small printer from them’
    This begs the question ‘DID they start doing this with the mark 2 teflon dx5’s’?
    because, they must have realised that it was going on, then combatted it in the later stuff ‘although its the same.

    groovy I say, so simply stear clear of the later gold ones unless you buy the 70 buck chip whatsname.

    edit, i see there are 3 generations of dx5 4000 4800 and 4880
    I wonder if the 4800 is still open.

  • Stafford Cox

    November 10, 2014 at 7:39 pm

    I’ll be honest with you guys, I’ve never heard of such a thing. As far as the machines I work on go, a DX5 solvent head for a Mimaki will go on anything from a CJV30-60 to a JV5-320 and anything in between, there are no width restraints. There is a code you need to input (head ID) on all DX4 and DX5 heads but this is nothing to do with output widths, it’s to do with voltages. On a JV33/CJV30 this is done automatically via the head memory board.

    Roland have never used DX5 printheads in any of their printers, they went straight from DX4 to DX6/7.

    I’ve replaced JV1604/1614 printheads and VJ1204/1304 but they’re all the same width. As far as using an Epson 4880/7880/9880 head in a VJ is concerned, I can’t see it determining the output width, but why would you? It may work out considerably cheaper initially but it will last considerably less time in my experience. By cheap = buy twice in my opinion. I’ve tried on many occasions to use water based DX4’s in JV3’s to save a few quid, with varying results to be fair. But they never perform as well or for as long as a genuine solvent head.

    I hope that helps.

  • Steve Maple

    November 12, 2014 at 9:25 pm

    the r1900 heads 186000 gold/teflon are locked for length and width

    it would appear that the r1800 158010 non teflons are too.

    25 quid delivered, but it says for the teflon only and not the earlier ones.

  • Steve Maple

    November 13, 2014 at 9:51 pm

    so you can use a large format stylus pro head from a
    4800 7800 9800 – non teflon
    4880 7880 9880 – teflon
    these won’t be locked, but a complete used machine, even a old 4800 is still going to be 3-400 pounds 4880’s/7880’s still get strong money
    I have a 4450 4 colour that I put a 7880 teflon head in.

    so tha ‘locked’ samall format dx5’s can be found in
    r1800/r2400 – non teflon – are they actually locked?
    r1900 r2000 r2880 teflon

    so today I went a bought a non working r2400, basically the same as a r1800, with the non teflon water based dx5 head in for £30. these machines are old hat now so what is happening is the ink pads fill up and they don’t turn on, the two lights flash and you need to reset the ink pad – easy enough, I just did it and three cleans later I now have a perfect dx5 head for £30, I ‘assume’ loads of these machines are now heading for landfill with perfectly good heads in them.
    I ‘assume’ these small format heads are locked to only print upto A3, so EVEN if you get a free printer and have to pay 25 quid for the card…………………

    p.s. the bonus is – you can use these little machines as head washers!!!
    the carts simply sit atop of the manifold ‘HOWEVER’ I THINK THE ORIENTATION OF THE MUTOH solvent HEAD MANIFOLD input nozzles differs than the stock ones – i.e. how you would fit a solvent manifold and utilise the stock suction / capping station is a pickler I am ontp – also you will need a waste eseptacle.

    I bet the early heads go straight on no locking as it was a retrospective thing, lets hope trouble is the head in my mutoh is now good – j cloth and solvent cleaner under soaking for 30 mins a time cleared it, I left the head of the cap and it STUCK to me vinyl -tee hee.

    thank you

  • Ronnie Li

    October 14, 2015 at 9:15 am

    Hello Guys,

    I think I can have a word on this topic, since I am in this field for more than 8 years, and on top of all, I was living in China

    The R1900 or R2000 epson printheads can only be used on Mimaki JV33 printer

    Note that this head is locked (encrypted) now, (Twice locked) lol

    So when you want to save money, you have to be careful.

    From the connector you can judge if the head is locked or not.

  • IvoFotev

    September 8, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    Hello guys ! Just to keep this post alive, I want to mention my experience from this morning……Bought an EPSON R2000 with a paper jam for 10 GBP. It came a very clean machine with a rubber band stuck in the drive roll, that was hard to see. The head couldn’t be tested due to empty black inks. I just removed it, put my old solvent mainfold from the MUTOH ValueJet 1614 and inserted in the MUTOH. I expected the printer will just show an error, as the head is golden plated and according to all photos of the cable connectors it should be LOCKED. I don’t know what a LOCKED head should do, but the printer initialized and did a nozzle check….perfect…at first sight only 🙂 when I printed a file , there was like missing 10 mm colors at different widths. Maybe it’s what a LOCKED head looks like. I will now order an unlock card and test it. If it works…it will be worth the try for 10 GBP for a head and 50 USD for a card.I will keep You in touch if the head will work on MUTOH 1614.
    Regards ,IVO

  • Loic Delor

    September 22, 2016 at 8:17 am

    Hello everyone,
    I know a bit or two about heads for having worked at a head manufacturer in the past.
    Epson has about 8 or 9 different references for the DX5 head. Most look the same a part from the gold coated nozzle plate of one of them. I am still unsure what the gold coating is for as it can be seen in both the solvent and waterbased printers that the DX5 head is supplied for. Chances are it’s there to control the drop formation on exit of the nozzle for some particular ink viscosity. But honestly can’t be sure.
    Now what I know is that the main difference between the heads supplied to Mimaki for eco solvent applications and the one found on the R1900 type etc.. have a different coating inside the nozzle channel. This coating is resistant to solvent. So if you take a head out of R1900 for example, yes the head will work in your mimaki (a part from coding and ranking issues that can occur of course) but it will not last as long as a specific solvent head will. The waterbased coating will wear out pretty quickly when in contact with solvent ink, which will affect the electrical connection to the piezo and make the nozzle die.
    That’s what use to happen when people where using the old waterbased DX4 head into Roland or Mimaki solvent machines.
    Now like Stafford said the head rank affects the voltage delivered to the head. Which basically affects the firing frequency of the piezo. If it’s wrong then you end up "over reving" the head, like your car doing 70mph in 2nd gear it probably wouldn’t go too far.
    Anyway I hope this helps

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