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  • issues with printing to size

    Posted by Hugh Potter on May 13, 2014 at 1:53 pm

    I have a very nagging issue with my HP Z2100 A1 printer.

    As you can see in the photos, the page size in corel draw X5 (set at 150 x 400mm) safely houses the emblems that are to be reproduced – with plenty of room to spare.

    yet when I go to print, set the page size in HP preferences, and ok it, the preview always seems to crop the image.. as seen by the dotted line around the images. clearly the page size is big enough but…

    I had to set the printing page size to 150 x 400 to allow the extra space – subsequently wating more material than need be.

    How can I cure this? I’m sure when I first got it I would simply have corel on an A1 page size, send a full print to the HP with A1 selected in the preferences and away it would go – no problems..

    it doesn’t seem to matter whether it printed direct from X5, a pdf or a bitmap, it always crops it.

    wasting a little material is ok in the short term but, it doesn’t help me long term, nor does it help when I have a 594mm wide A1 poster to print, and then have to make it smaller to print it within the A1 boundaries without being cropped.

    I have the same issue when printing 600mm wide roll-ups, I end up having to go down to 590 or 585 in order to stop it cropping an edge.

    surely the whole point of a printer that takes 610wide media is that is can print the full width A1 or 600 roll up media… I’m sure I must be doing something wrong.. any help appreciated!

    thanks in advance.

    Hugh Potter replied 10 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Hugh Potter

    May 13, 2014 at 1:54 pm



  • Chris Wool

    May 14, 2014 at 8:07 am

    don’t know your software or printer but look in the manual for max width printing, posibly a margin in there some where.

  • Hugh Potter

    May 14, 2014 at 12:14 pm

    cheers Chris,

    Not sure I have a manual – other than a repair one! I’ll see if I can find on on the HP site or in the discs that came with the printer.

    for what it’s worth, it would do the same to an A4 print, ie. if I take an A4 page size and fill it in corel, then send to printer, it will still crop the image – despite having 3 acres of space around it :-/

  • Colin Crabb

    May 14, 2014 at 3:08 pm

    Hugh, is there anything hidden in the background? (white box, crop marks?) or is it every file you send?

    I have a Z6200 but send files from a RIP – are you sending direct?

    Would say its due to printing a Liverpool football badge!

  • Hugh Potter

    May 14, 2014 at 8:17 pm

    I’m printing direct Colin, wasn’t aware I needed a rip, or would that be in the HP utilities? I downloaded the latest drivers yesterday but have yet to install them.

    No crop marks or borders as far as I can see.


  • Colin Crabb

    May 14, 2014 at 8:25 pm

    There is a PS (Post Script version) which I’m guessing you have, so you can print direct without a rip.

    While your updating drivers, check the firmware of the printer to see if it latest version – I remember back when the Z6100 came out there was a firmware issue that changed sizes – might be coincidence.

    Also might be worth checking the printers margins – on our machine its:

    Setup – Printer preferences – printer margins

    Hopefully the same on the Z2100.

    Let me know how you get on,

    Kind regards


  • Hugh Potter

    May 15, 2014 at 8:29 am

    Thanks Colin,

    I can’t find margins as an option in the pritnign preferences, my firmware is a while out of date so I’m upgrading it as we speak, hopefully cuting a few niggles along the way.


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