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  • i have a problem with LED lighting help please?

    Posted by pilot on November 28, 2006 at 1:59 pm


    we have produced a illuminated letters, the source of light are Gelcore PowerWhite LEDs. The letters are mad from aluminium, the front is made from blue acrylic. The depth of the letters is about 5 inches. Now we have a big problem: the illumination is not smooth and every one LED is visible through the blue acrylic, when powered. LEDs are mounted properly, everything works just fine, but the look is not that good because of the visibility of LED.
    To fix it, we have tried this, whit no succes:
    – additional coating (blue) on the front of arcylic,
    – additional coating (blue and white) on the rear of acrylic,
    – reflective sheeting over the LED.

    Please see the foto.

    Have anyone an idea, how to fix it?


    pilot replied 17 years, 6 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • John Lyons

    December 3, 2006 at 8:02 pm


  • George Kern

    December 3, 2006 at 9:56 pm

    have you tried diffusing the letters more? diffuser vinyl, sanding the inside of the acrylic smooth so you cannot see through clearly.

  • pilot

    December 15, 2006 at 8:33 am
    quote George Kern:

    have you tried diffusing the letters more? diffuser vinyl, sanding the inside of the acrylic smooth so you cannot see through clearly.

    Hi George,

    thank you for the hint. The blue acrylic is not transparent, I mean, there is nothing visible through it – it is just blue opaque acrylic. That´s the reason why I was that confused about this problem – we have made letters that way whit no problem like that, but we used different colors of acrylic. Only with this blue we had a lot of trouble…

    Now we have finally fixed it – with 4 mm thickness white opaque acrylics mounted from inside behind of the blue acrylic. It works, the lighting is smooth.
    But your idea sounds great. I will give them a try. When yhis works, it is a much cheaper methode.

    Thank you and have a nice day.

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