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  • how do you price printed garments?

    Posted by ccheater on October 26, 2006 at 6:46 pm


    just getting back into T-shirts etc.. I’ve got a vinyl cutter etc… but anyone got advice on how to work out the costs for doing the garments? i.e how do I work out how much the vinyl is costing for the designs? I dont want to be working for nothing! I know how much the vinyl is per meter but obviously different designs use different amounts, any help apprciated.


    ccheater replied 17 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Russ Draper

    November 9, 2006 at 8:49 am

    I had exactly the same problem when i first started out a couple of months ago!

    I bought a simple piece of software from victory design, its a pricing matrix for use in excel spreadsheets, it cost me around £25 and it has saved me lots of head scratching! You input the size of the design, the width of the material and how many you want and it works out how much vinyl you need and how much each design costs in vinyl, you can even add your job time to let it work out the whole lot for you!

    What i do now is take the average size per design cut i.e. breast logo, front logo, stock size numbers, back design etc and have a maximum size for each design, so this way if a shirt needs a chest design and name and number on the back the price is already worked out for you!

  • ccheater

    November 9, 2006 at 2:58 pm


    Thanks for that!, it’s exactly what I was after.


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