Activity Feed Forums Software Discussions Adobe Software how do i import layers from illustrator to photoshop?

  • how do i import layers from illustrator to photoshop?

    Posted by noviceDan on March 9, 2006 at 2:10 pm

    Hi all, im still quite new to the industry, and have a question.

    I want to export a layered vectorised image from adobe Illustrator CS into Photoshop CS. I save the image as a PSD file, and check the box where it says write all layers, but when i open up the file in PS it only includes a single layer. Its as if its being flattened.

    Any help please?

    Dan 😎

    chyduke replied 18 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Aaron & Chris

    March 16, 2006 at 8:53 am

    I think you can drag individual items from Iluustrator into photoshop, which will put them on seperate layers.

    Open both programs and drag each section of your vector from the ilustartor screen to the photoshop screen, it should place it!

    I don’t recomend scaling up vectors in photoshop that have been dragged form illustartor, it pixelates them, ur ok to scale down though.

    I don’t do this often but I have done it on a few jobs. Not sure if this works in CS, you’ll have to give it a try mate.

    Good Luck!


  • Chris Stansfield

    March 16, 2006 at 4:50 pm

    have u tried importing the original illustrator file into photoshop, best off keeping files native for as long as u can rather than converting too early.

  • chyduke

    March 17, 2006 at 6:49 am

    Here’s how you need to do it: 1) separate out all of your layers in your Illustrator file and save them temporarily on your desktop. When you do this, make sure there is a bounding box with no fill in the exact same spot on each layer, er file. 2) Drag launch each file into Photoshop. You will be prompted as to what size you would like your file rasterized. If you built your file in scale, now is the time to convert it to full size. If you did the bounding box thing in step 1, each of your new Photoshop documents should be the EXACT same size AND resolution. 3) With your move (black arrow) tool, drag a file you’ve just created onto another window containing another file you’ve just created. If you hold down the shift key while doing this, each layer will be placed in the correct spot. Remember, in order for this to work, each file must be the EXACT same size and resolution. Knowing Photoshop, there is probably yet another way of accomplishing this, but I work with it all day, every day and this is what works best for me. Good luck.

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