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  • How Do I get A Glass Like Look?

    Posted by matkinson on February 27, 2006 at 12:57 pm

    Can anyone who has experience of doming help me, please? I have a problem in that I have produced several sheets of decals and I have left them to set over the weekend. Some of them, despite being left for more than 36 hours are still sticky or have a slight tacky feeling.

    I have produced some domes before using another suppliers resin and those were fine but these despite having a slight tackiness also feel more like a rubber coating rather than a glass like coating. Am I doing anything wrong or is this likely to be the natural result of the suppliers resin or is there likely to be a problem with the resin or anything else for that matter?

    Any help would be much appreciated as I have a large order to complete and this is now causing a problem.



    matkinson replied 18 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Jim Clough

    February 27, 2006 at 4:36 pm

    I believe there are 2 different type of doming materials. One with a rubbery self healing finish, the other is more of a hader glass like finish. You apparantley have used both on different occassions

  • David Rogers

    February 27, 2006 at 7:38 pm

    Not being funny, but check the best before dates on the 2 pack resin. If it’s anything like the spandex stuff (rubbery) – it goes off & either sets rock hard in the tubes or never quite sets when mixed.

    Most 2 part resins will fail to set if the hardner ratio is too low – check the dosing & the mixing nozzle.

  • matkinson

    February 28, 2006 at 10:05 am

    Thanks for the info guys. The resin we are using is stamped with an Expiry date of Feb 2007 and is stored in the required temperatures so unless it was a bad batch to start with that shouldn’t be the problem (I hope). I have done a little research into this with the suppliers and they agree it is likely to be the difference between two types of resin. There is apparently a Flexible and a Semi Flexible resin. The Flexible resin gives a more rubbery like feel to it and the Semi Flexible one is a little harder and not as rubbery. Thanks again guys for your input.


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