Activity Feed Forums Printing Discussions Uniform Printers how do i convert cadet to versacamm please?

  • how do i convert cadet to versacamm please?

    Posted by valegraphics on August 24, 2006 at 2:24 pm

    I have been thinking for a while now about re-converting my cadet back to a versacamm. Due to nothing but constant banding, even though i clean it religiously as instructed. And use it every day.

    I have just spoken to roland. They say that to come out assess the machine, replace heads, pump, dampers and all tubing PLUS a years service warranty will amount to £699+vat. Which is approx £300-400 less.
    Also inks are cheaper, and barely no maintenance involved.

    Can anyone tell me if eco-max inks can be used through cadet heads…..
    I personally think they can but the roland engineer seems to think that it will do more harm than good………..any views?

    Does anyone use eco-max inks in a cadet? Or am i barking up the wrong tree? Or just barking maybe?


    William Cleaner replied 17 years ago 10 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    August 24, 2006 at 2:35 pm

    stick four flush carts in the machine, flush the ink… stick eco-max inks in. job done.
    dave standing at printone will do you a very good price on carts.

    as for banding etc if thats actually machine fault then thats another story.
    do the flush change the inks and see whats what from there.
    the beauty of a cadet is it will run ANY inks without conversion… the versacamm doesnt.

  • valegraphics

    August 24, 2006 at 2:46 pm

    Rob. Thanks for an honest reply mate. You always seem to get a biased opinion from manufactures / dealers. Cheers Rob.


  • valegraphics

    August 24, 2006 at 3:04 pm

    Rob. Just spoke to carol from printone. Top price! I know you have a grenadier but have you ever used these inks before? How do you rate them in comparison to rolands eco-max?

    Does anyone on here use these? If so what are they like?

    Sorry for the inquestition rob


  • Nigel Pugh

    August 24, 2006 at 3:08 pm
    quote valegraphics:

    Rob. Thanks for an honest reply mate. You always seem to get a biased opinion from manufactures / dealers. Cheers Rob.


    You can flush a VersaCamm then use inks from a different manufacturer and that is not biased in anyway because I never put the make of inks in this post 😉

  • valegraphics

    August 24, 2006 at 3:20 pm

    Thankyou nigel. I know which inks you sell. But i’m wondering how people have got on with durajet inks? Any idea?

    I know i’m asking lots of stupid questions but an ink change for me is a nlrge step as i’ve only used b&p inks. Thanks for your input.


  • Peter Shaw

    August 25, 2006 at 2:42 pm

    This is interesting as I intend to convert to EcoSol Max inks shortly. As I understand it there are no conversion issues as Ecosol is less damaging ActivaSol. The biggest issue as I see it is getting good profiles to work with the RIP, in my case Troop V5.

    As the Ecosol Max inks have far better characterstics than the original Ecosol and I believe are as good as ActivaSol, I see no reason not to change. Virtually all the problems I have had with my Cadets have been caused by the inks and these problems are not reported by Versacamm owners.

    Also, if it all goes wrong, you can convert back to Activasol!


  • valegraphics

    August 25, 2006 at 3:06 pm

    My thoughts exactlly peter. I spoke to roland again today, they say they dont recommend this unless they convert the machine themselves. But i pressume theyre probably just playing safe.

    Like yourself ive had nowt but problems concerning inks and banding etc. I laminate vehicle graphics anyway so i see no downside to eco-max inks.

    After all its not as if i pump out 20mts a day, and i would feel more confident leaving the printer off for more than a day or so. Roland say machines can be left off for upto a fortnight!!!!

    As far as profiles go, i doubt that any of my customers would probably tell the shift in colours, but saying that i’ll get on the phone to roland and see if they can supply some.


  • valegraphics

    August 25, 2006 at 3:48 pm

    Okay. Just ordered a full set of eco-max inks. Should arrive tues/weds.

    Will update on progress.


  • Alan Cooper

    August 25, 2006 at 3:49 pm

    We have an issue with banding on our Cadet Plus printer.
    We run the FlexiSign rip and use B&P material and their profiles.
    I was told by B&P that if we bought the Troop Rip (at around £1200) that would solve the problem.
    Judging by what others are saying on the boards the banding on Cadet machines is an issue regardless of what Rip is used.
    Do you think I’d be better off buying a Troop Rip or save the money ?

    Alan 🙄

  • Peter Shaw

    August 25, 2006 at 3:57 pm

    I find it hard to believe that the banding can ever be a RIP issue. I run Troop V5 and banding will appear as the ink dries in the heads. It inevitably means a head change and then the print quality is back to superb.


  • valegraphics

    August 25, 2006 at 4:08 pm

    Alan. I too have the flexi rip. Cant get on with it at all.

    I know it sounds strange as troop is almost a watered down version of flexi. But i couldnt get the damn thing to work as it should. I seemed to get trouble with it laying far too much ink down.

    I produce in flexi then export to troop as an fs 7 file. Nothing but trouble with the flexi rip. I would spend the money and solve your problems.

    Just my view on it


  • Gordon Forbes

    August 25, 2006 at 4:37 pm

    There is only one version of Flexi that has proper colour profiles for the cadet as my understanding of it and it ain’t the latest one 7.5 V5 has good ICM profiles for Uniform material and it prints perfectly as does Signlab.
    If Flexi hasn’t got the proper profiles it does dump a LOT of ink when printing as i have found out in the past.


  • janfranck

    August 25, 2006 at 4:50 pm


    on xaar / spectra machines bad ripping of files with too poor raster and too much ink you can get some banding even if the rest is alligned perfectly….

    i guess your banding results more of clogged heads / bad feeding adjustment, or too much ink usage…
    if possible, please post a pic of the banding…
    makes it easier to find the problem,

    best regards from germany,
    yours jan 🙂

  • David Rowland

    August 25, 2006 at 6:01 pm

    yes, is your heads printing correctly (nozzles blocked or deflected), then on the JV3 you can adjust the feed rate while it prints.. so is that right?
    every head ‘bash’ will move the alignment… does it effect one colour or all 4 colours?

    I find it odd that buying another rip will solve it… the difference is likely to be profile settings.

  • Stephen Morriss

    August 26, 2006 at 1:43 pm

    I’ll be very interested in the results of this.
    I think it’s a no lose situation, you have banding which would indicate the heads are going so if you end up having to fit new heads then your back to the original machine anyway.
    Most people using the max inks report no problems with leaving the printer for weeks at a time, inks are cheaper and the results are basically the same as the actisol inks, I’ve played with prints from both inksets and there is a very marginal loss of rub resistance with the max inks and you need to laminate anything that’s being rubbed anyway.

    Keep us informed please Matt


  • William Cleaner

    July 6, 2007 at 8:31 am

    I Have heard of this. It is an easy change over i think. You just flush the system and they can run straight though. Where do you get those inks from? Am trying to find a cheap supplier!

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