• hello to whoever

    Posted by Derek Heron on April 14, 2004 at 5:56 pm

    hello dex here i have a roland camm1 pnc1100 which i have on loan and have had for a while now ive been doing bits and pieces for my race bikes etc ime thinking of upgrading as i have been asked to do some signs on foamex etc any advice what are the advantages and disadvantages of print and cut m/chines also ive seen cutters for foamex board is there another way of cutting without raggy edges etc

    Lorraine Buchan replied 20 years, 2 months ago 9 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Nicola McIntosh

    April 14, 2004 at 7:04 pm

    welcome dex!!

    you’ll have loads of fun here!! 😛

    the ragged edges is your plotter blade force is too much!!


  • Derek Heron

    April 14, 2004 at 7:37 pm

    hi sorry my dodgy edge problem is with the foamex board i had to cut loads of pieces approx 18 ” square with stanley knife and kept running of square ive seen proper cutters i think called excalabur? but cost a fortune 🙁 does any body have one for sale also some kind of tool to form nice contoured edges for the same
    ive been reading posts and learned loads already good stuff

  • Nicola McIntosh

    April 14, 2004 at 8:21 pm

    oh i thought it was your plotter!! 😮

    if you want more info on cutters, type in the search box above, you’ll find something there!!


  • Nigel Fraser

    April 14, 2004 at 8:40 pm

    Hi Dex and welcome to the site 😀

    If you want lots of the boards cutting I would buy the material from a supplier like Amari/Cox etc who will cut it for you for a few quid. If you’ve already got the material then Rob did a great demo on cutting foamex and making a cheap cutting guide. You will need to splash out on the full membership though to see it – but if you are serious about getting on in the signmaking business you will pick up far more usefull information and the cost will soon be forgotten 😉


  • Robert Lambie

    April 14, 2004 at 8:55 pm

    hi mate and welcome to the site! 😛

    thanks for taking the plunge and saying hello.. any questions fire away..

    regarding foamex cutting i am the saame as you thought the fancy gadgets with a stanely blade were over priced, although good!
    instead i sorta made my own straight edge that does do the job just as good if you follow the instructions properly.. this demo can be found in the demo are as nigel has said already.. 😀

    got an avatar image.. send me it and ill load it for you! 😉


  • Nobby Thomas

    April 14, 2004 at 8:58 pm

    Did you get my Avatar to load Rob???????
    one of me working!!! some will tell you that’s a miracle(Don’t believe a word of it) 😕 😕 😕 😕

  • Derek Heron

    April 16, 2004 at 7:25 pm

    hi again thanks for the help with my cutting problem on foamex i turned gold today and checked out the tips demos section and i now have a piece of kit that does the job great takes a bit of practice but seem to have the hang of it and i still have all my fingers 😛 cant believe how much ive saved thanks to all cheers dex

  • Steve Smith

    April 16, 2004 at 10:30 pm

    Hi Dex, nice to see another bike racer on the site. What bike do you race?

  • Bill Dewison

    April 16, 2004 at 10:37 pm

    Hi and welcome Dex 😀

    Good to hear you’re enjoying the site, really nice bunch here, always willing to help with advise and everything 😀

    There are so many signmakers with motorbikes, its wierd! 😕

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Derek Heron

    April 17, 2004 at 4:39 am

    pic was last year just before northwest 200 i was on a gixer 1000
    but struggled through injurys sustained at 2002 TT i put a fireblde through the wall at bedstead and snaped my pelvis so ime in semi retirement
    hope to ride again this year but not sure when i have the use of cbr600fsI at the minuit and i am busy doing the graphics for another gixer 1000
    if i knew how i woud post some pics
    all the best dex

  • Paul Goodwin

    April 17, 2004 at 5:59 am

    Welcome to the family Dex 🙂

  • Lorraine Buchan

    April 19, 2004 at 11:15 am

    Welcome to the site Dex

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