• Hard to believe!

    Posted by Shane Drew on January 11, 2006 at 12:12 pm

    I lost out on a job 3 months ago for a race car because I was too dear. It was only a small job, but it was for a drag car I’ve been looking after for about 9 months, and was a full colour photographic print and cut.

    I was a little miffed, because I had gone in at mates rates based on the fact that I had my own logo on the car too, as a sponsor.

    Anyway, got a call from the car owner on monday wanting me to take off some sponsors and replace them with new ones. One was the sign that I missed out on. When the car turned up this morning, the print was all faded, sort of washed out and bleached.

    You will find this hard to believe, but the sign shop had used sticky paper.

    I said to the car owner, ‘this is paper!’ and he said ‘yeah the guy didn’t have one of your fancy machines so that was the best he could do’.

    I was speechless (no mean feat for me I can tell you!)

    I told him that I wouldn’t have paid for it if I were him, and he admitted he didn’t. The guy was trying to push me out, so did the first one as a freebie 😮 .

    Thing is, if I sponsor anything, it is conditional that I supply and fit the signage. I don’t want my name on a vehicle and have someone else fit a rubbish sign.

    All he could say is “but it was free!”

    Needless to say, after we had words, he will not do that again. 👿

    Shane Drew replied 18 years, 5 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Janine Chrispin

    January 11, 2006 at 12:31 pm

    The problem with ‘free’ like that is that you probably have to pay for it at some time. Quite possibly even more as the ‘free’ stuff has to be removed.

    Some people just don’t know, so they!


  • Jayne Marsh

    January 12, 2006 at 10:51 am

    Missed this one yesterday 😀
    When you had words did you slap his wrist for being a silly person :lol1:
    Some people are really stupid. ( Not you, him) 😀

  • Gwaredd Steele

    January 12, 2006 at 10:59 am

    I always get bitten on the arse some way another when I sponsor race cars.

    Trouble is, I’m a sucker for them & I keep on going back 😥

    The last one I did looked great & the owner offered me free tickets to watch him race, entry to the pits etc…never heard anything again.

    Few months later, I saw the car on eBay! Grrr… (:)

    I have promised myself no more.

    Untill the next one 🙄



  • Shane Drew

    January 12, 2006 at 11:22 am
    quote Steele Signs:

    I always get bitten on the ( oh i swore ) some way another when I sponsor race cars.

    Trouble is, I’m a sucker for them & I keep on going back 😥

    The last one I did looked great & the owner offered me free tickets to watch him race, entry to the pits etc…never heard anything again.

    Few months later, I saw the car on eBay! Grrr… (:)

    I have promised myself no more.

    Untill the next one 🙄



    I know what you say Gareth, our company, when we employed heaps of staff, were the sign suppliers for the Gold Coast Indy Celebrity Races as well as some of the main teams. We got bitten so many times we swore never again.

    Then you get a race car owner ringing you up begging you to resign his car at night after it was repaired from a practise accident. So you go and do that one at 2am in the pits ready for a day at the races. End of the race, he does not want to pay because his sponsor didn’t like the layout. Still waiting to get money for that one.

    Never again.

    Than a major team in the super V8 race series ring, I’ve been recommended but they need the job fast. Pull out all stops to get the car finished, transporter etc, and all the time they are on the lookout for a cheaper deal.

    get undercut by a wannabe after 4 months

    never again

    then I get a call from this guy.

    will I ever learn? doubt it 🙁

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