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  • Handle mutliple quantity enquiries

    Posted by David Hammond on January 5, 2018 at 12:56 pm

    Had two already this year, and learning from previous experiences don’t want to get caught out.

    We’ve all had it, I need a sign, but I’m going to order loads over the next few months. All the same spec.

    So how do you deal with these?

    I’m thinking put a price for one unit, and then a price for the full quantity… but we all know the full qty either doesn’t arrive or is far below their promised qty.

    Colin Bland replied 6 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Hugh Potter

    January 5, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    I often get it, “do this van at a good price and we’ll bring you 5 more”.. they won’t!

    Price the sign or van as you say – single quantity, or job lot. If they still only want one now with the promise of a few more I’ll offer the ‘lot’ price only upon receipt of a pro-forma non refundable 50% deposit – this allows you to “get prepared by buying in the materials required at bulk”. Otherwise it’s single prices.

    I generally don’t entertain them.

  • Colin Crabb

    January 5, 2018 at 3:20 pm

    Best route I’ve found is to quote with price breaks, we do this with roller banners for a national client, they can order 24 / 48 / 96 with price breaks set (as you would in small format printing).

    If customer likes the top price break (as they ALWAYS do..), but only requires a smaller amount, we’ll supply them in batches of say ’24 over XXX amount of time’ – this protects against getting caught out by those promises and avoids having to say ‘NO’, placing the emphasis back onto the customer – also helps out the genuine customers who just don’t have the space or logistics to hold a huge amount of stock.

  • James Bateman

    January 5, 2018 at 3:23 pm

    Two ways we do it:

    1. Produce the sign as a sample
    2. Charge full cost for the sign but stipulate they can rebate the cost against an order for 50 off etc. if/when they place the order.

    This is all based on whether or not you think they’re going to go through with the order at a later date.

  • David Hammond

    January 5, 2018 at 4:49 pm

    The I’ve had are:

    Returning customer, who will be issuing the signs about 1 a month, all the same spec, but with 1 name change on each.

    I’m quoting to supply all the acrylic, and then a charge per sign to produce it, passing the saving on bulk buying the acrylic onto the customer.

    The second, was a random call. Simply wanting a price on 1, then goes on to say there will be loads, and can they have a price on 30. I may do the same on this, and stipulate that the qty price is based on producing 30x blanks in one go.

  • Chris Windebank

    January 5, 2018 at 5:57 pm

    if they want a discount on multiple vans give it to them on the last one not the first

  • Colin Bland

    January 6, 2018 at 9:20 am

    I’m the same as chris with vans have done it many times offer the discount on the last van surprisingly only ever got there once

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