• Groundhog Day

    Posted by Jill Marie Welsh on February 2, 2010 at 12:09 am

    Had occasion to ride thru Punxsutawney today (Punk-sue-tawnie) so took some pix to show John and Jenny that they did not miss much.
    The town is typically very quiet, but it was filling up with tourists for tomorrow.
    The pic of me is by the Presbyterian church, hence the kilted Phil.
    Behind me is the back of the famous Pantall Hotel.
    The rest were all just snapped out the window on the way, nothing spectacular. There was a wrapped US Army vehicle but I couldn’t get a clear shot, and also a new probably three story giant Phil (looked like a print) but I couldn’t get a pic.
    Hopefully Phil will not see his shadow and Spring will be just around the corner. But it was 18° today.


    Shane Drew replied 14 years, 4 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • John Childs

    February 2, 2010 at 7:37 am
    quote Jillbeans:

    took some pix to show John and Jenny that they did not miss much.

    Nah, it’s had the opposite effect. I think it’s great.

    I love small town America. Main Street still full of small locally owned businesses. You can still generally park right outside, Everybody you meet is so friendly – sit outside a coffee shop and everybody that walks in or out at least smiles and says Hi. Get into a conversation with them and they never seem to be too busy to talk to you, appear genuinely interested in who you are, and what you are doing in their town.

    But maybe you’re right, perhaps, like most places in he world, it’s better to see it as a tourist rather than actually live there.

    We’ve got Air Miles for a weekend in New York, and that’ll be great, but I prefer cruising rural US in a car or on a bike. Regrettably not this year though, with a wedding to pay for, but I can’t wait to get back.

    Thanks for the pics, it’s given me the incentive and enthusiasm to get out there this morning and earn as much as I can to help pay for it all. Roll on. 😀

  • Harry Cleary

    February 2, 2010 at 10:36 am
    quote John Childs:

    I love small town America. Main Street still full of small locally owned businesses. You can still generally park right outside, Everybody you meet is so friendly – sit outside a coffee shop and everybody that walks in or out at least smiles and says Hi. Get into a conversation with them and they never seem to be too busy to talk to you, appear genuinely interested in who you are, and what you are doing in their town.

    I found the same myself in Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas. The Irish have a reputation for friendliness but small town America puts us to shame. 😀

  • Jill Marie Welsh

    February 2, 2010 at 11:39 am

    This link is live feed for an hour or two:
    http://cmsmedia.state.pa.us/dced/ground … player.asp
    Now they are setting off fireworks.

  • Shane Drew

    February 2, 2010 at 1:03 pm
    quote Harry Cleary:

    quote John Childs:

    I love small town America. Main Street still full of small locally owned businesses. You can still generally park right outside, Everybody you meet is so friendly – sit outside a coffee shop and everybody that walks in or out at least smiles and says Hi. Get into a conversation with them and they never seem to be too busy to talk to you, appear genuinely interested in who you are, and what you are doing in their town.

    I found the same myself in Oklahoma, Oregon and Texas. The Irish have a reputation for friendliness but small town America puts us to shame. 😀

    I found the Americans to be really friendly too just about everywhere the wife and I went… the cities were different of course, but the country atmosphere was the nicest place to be. I could live there in a heart beat, but as John says, may be different if your not a tourist.

  • Phill Fenton

    February 2, 2010 at 1:15 pm

    The Scots can be just as friendly as the Americans. In fact going into an unfamiliar pub in Fauldhouse I was treated to the same level of respect as I have seen when the good cowboy walks into the Wild West Saloon in the movies…

    ..the piano player stops playing and the pub goes silent 😕

  • Nigel Hindley

    February 2, 2010 at 7:02 pm
    quote Phill:

    The Scots can be just as friendly as the Americans. In fact going into an unfamiliar pub in Fauldhouse I was treated to the same level of respect as I have seen when the good cowboy walks into the Wild West Saloon in the movies…

    ..the piano player stops playing and the pub goes silent 😕

    That happened to me in a pub on the Isle of Raasay once!

  • John Childs

    February 2, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    So Jill………..

    I didn’t have the time to watch the whole thing, so could Phil see his shadow, or not. 😀

  • Lynn Normington

    February 2, 2010 at 11:49 pm

    apparently John he always does so spring is always 6 weeks away 🙁


  • Marcella Ross

    February 2, 2010 at 11:52 pm
    quote Phill:

    . In fact going into an unfamiliar pub in Fauldhouse I was treated to the same level of respect as I have seen when the good cowboy walks into the Wild West Saloon in the movies…

    ..the piano player stops playing and the pub goes silent 😕

    but then it was Fauldhouse 😮 😮 😮 don’t go there unless you’re related to 3/4 of the village! 😮 😮 😮

  • Shane Drew

    February 3, 2010 at 12:47 am
    quote Phill:

    ..the piano player stops playing and the pub goes silent 😕

    they may have been waiting for those magic words…. "it’s my shout" 🙂

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