• Grafityp (moan)!

    Posted by Peter Munday on August 31, 2006 at 6:17 pm

    On the 22nd of this month I phoned Grafityp and asked for a sample of gold heat press as my customer was looking for a quote and a sample, no problem they said, I waited two days and no sample so I rang them again.
    So sorry sir I will put a sample in the post tonight was their reply, two days later still no sample. Rang them for the third time and the girl could not apologise enough its in the post tonight she said so convincing. Well here we are nine days later still no sample and one pissed off customer!!!
    Phoned Victory and they sent me a sample next day, only problem was that it was a 10mm disc stuck on their compliments slip!!!! what can I do with that!!! 😮 😮
    Do these people not care anymore or have they got so important that they think they don’t need us, the customer.

    rant over with now 👿 👿


    Nicola McIntosh replied 17 years, 9 months ago 18 Members · 37 Replies
  • 37 Replies
  • Richard Urquhart

    August 31, 2006 at 7:41 pm

    peter i have gold do you still need a bit i can send it tomorrow
    let me know

  • Peter Munday

    August 31, 2006 at 10:13 pm

    Richard many thanks but the moment has now passed my customer has gone elsewhere I was just pissed off.

    thanks again


  • Nigel Pugh

    September 1, 2006 at 8:20 am

    Hi Peter, I know I cannot help now but after the first time it goes wrong feel free to just let me know and I will personally see to any sample you require.


  • James Duff

    September 1, 2006 at 2:35 pm

    i had the same thing from grafityp i gave up in the end

  • Nigel Pugh

    September 1, 2006 at 3:38 pm

    James do you have "duffbeer" as part of your e-mail address??

  • Peter Munday

    September 1, 2006 at 3:51 pm

    Well what do you know you wait nine days for samples and then two arrive on the same day!!! shame it was too late.

  • James Duff

    September 1, 2006 at 6:21 pm

    yes why???

  • John Harding

    September 2, 2006 at 7:41 am

    Hi peter

    I really understand where your coming from things like this make life so much more challenging that it needs to be, (:) but to be fair I think you’ve been unlucky as Graphityp has always got samples out to me as promised and Nigel is always very helpful.

    Note: No fee has been paid to me by Grafityp (unfortunately) for this outrageous *rse licking


  • Richard Urquhart

    September 2, 2006 at 1:20 pm

    john gets another 10% discount

    😀 😀

  • Alison Falzon

    September 2, 2006 at 1:26 pm

    I’ve asked Xpres for samples of their glitters and foils countless times – every time I’ve placed an order over the last few months. I always receive the order the next day, but never any samples.
    So I gave up and asked Grafityp (NIGEL!!!!), but never got anything……..
    Its really annoying as I do a lot of hen night t-shirts and they want BLING but I’ve got no "bling vinyls" to show them apart from the usual silver or gold…….

  • David Rowland

    September 2, 2006 at 1:50 pm

    makes me wonder if suppliers wear headsets and type notes as calls come in and record them in a database… if volume of calls/requests are high then all calls then can get recorded then warehouse can send samples out… not a big expense that. 😛

  • John Simpson

    September 2, 2006 at 10:06 pm

    must admit i have had nothing but help & good service from Nigel / Joe at Graphityp.

    L J

  • Brian Little

    September 2, 2006 at 10:16 pm
    quote Peter Munday:

    On the 22nd of this month I phoned Grafityp and asked for a sample of gold heat press as my customer was looking for a quote and a sample, no problem they said, I waited two days and no sample so I rang them again.
    So sorry sir I will put a sample in the post tonight was their reply, two days later still no sample. Rang them for the third time and the girl could not apologise enough its in the post tonight she said so convincing. Well here we are nine days later still no sample and one ( oh i swore ) off customer!!!
    Phoned Victory and they sent me a sample next day, only problem was that it was a 10mm disc stuck on their compliments slip!!!! what can I do with that!!! 😮 😮
    Do these people not care anymore or have they got so important that they think they don’t need us, the customer.the service seems to get worse the further down the line you go

    rant over with now 👿 👿


    with the greatest respect to you peter you are not spending enough. or they perceive you are not spending enough I think thats the same with a lot of vynil companys they will bend over backwords if you spend mega bucks :cry:thats just a personal opinian

  • John Childs

    September 3, 2006 at 7:36 am
    quote brian little:

    I think thats the same with a lot of vynil companys they will bend over backwords if you spend mega bucks thats just a personal opinian

    I would hope that you are right Brian.

    Why do I think I’m going to get into trouble with that comment? 🙂

  • Brian Little

    September 3, 2006 at 9:14 am

    i dont think youll get into anymore trouble with your comment John ….than i have with mine …..but hey at times things have to be said 😀 😀 😀

  • leethesign99

    September 3, 2006 at 5:20 pm

    Just thought I’d pop my five pennorth in re Grafityp.

    I used them when I was in the U.K., and have been using their Spanish branch for seven years now, and have always found them reliable and efficient…no moans from me! I wish all suppliers were as good…. especially here.

    Am I on the Xmas card list now? A bottle of scotch wouldn’t go amiss eiher. Oh well, we can all live in hope.

    Ta ta for now


  • Nigel Pugh

    September 3, 2006 at 10:53 pm

    Ok an answer to the problem, just email me with your sample requests, I will then pass them onto the sales office for processing.

    If you do phone for a sample please ask who you are talking too, It will help me to address this problem if you can give me a name.


  • James Duff

    September 3, 2006 at 10:56 pm

    nigel why did you ask about my email address

  • Alison Falzon

    September 4, 2006 at 7:29 am
    quote :

    with the greatest respect to you peter you are not spending enough. or they perceive you are not spending enough I think thats the same with a lot of vynil companys they will bend over backwords if you spend mega bucks :cry:thats just a personal opinian

    Brian – The first time you request samples from any supplier, who’s to say that you are not currently spending £000’s every week with your existing supplier? Realistically, I (like many others) wouldn’t want to start using a supplier without first seeing the quality of what I’m going to be using….if you spend loadsa money on some vinyl, then do some vans / clothing and the vinyl fails, you’re risking losing business, money and your good reputation….
    I’ve got to say practically every supplier I’ve used has given me a good service when I place orders, but getting samples seems to be a different story!

  • Nigel Pugh

    September 4, 2006 at 8:19 am

    James I asked because the amount of emails you sent to me asking all sorts of questions about various products, your address is one I would instantly recognise now.

  • James Duff

    September 4, 2006 at 8:21 am

    ok no probs

  • Nicola McIntosh

    September 4, 2006 at 9:02 am

    got my sample from grafityp fast, thanks nigel 😀


  • Nigel Pugh

    September 4, 2006 at 9:07 am

    I shouldn’t be asking this Nik with you been newly married an all, but is it big enough………the sample 😛

    If you have any questions feel free to get in touch


  • Luke Lansdell

    September 8, 2006 at 12:31 pm

    I have had the same problem with Grafityp – ordered samples twice now, but still have received nothing! Other suppliers I use have been fantastic, so I have no faith in them!


  • Nigel Pugh

    September 8, 2006 at 2:58 pm

    Ok this is not in defence of the errors that we have made more of a pointer to the daily events, an example if you like.

    Take 1% of our customer database, roughly 50 customers, who call to ask for samples, take that into account over 100 orders to process per day and the majority of orders are multiple items and not just 1 box per order.

    Now you can see where and how these errors can occur, add that to that the possibility of postal deliveries going astray which we have no idea if and when they happpen, you start to see the picture.

    I have no fail safe idea on how to prevent samples from not been processed or reaching their intended destination due to the fact when humans are involved then human errors occur, however if you do not receive your sample you can always give me a call and I will personally do the sample for you.

    Final note to Brian, it does not matter whether you spend £100 or £1,000 per month, at the end of the day you are the people you keep us in business, fair dues some people and I dare say companies may think that way but please don’t tar everyone with the same brush.


  • John Wilson

    September 8, 2006 at 3:39 pm
    quote Nigel Pugh – Grafityp:

    Ok this is not in defence of the errors that we have made more of a pointer to the daily events, an example if you like.

    Take 1% of our customer database, roughly 50 customers, who call to ask for samples, take that into account over 100 orders to process per day and the majority of orders are multiple items and not just 1 box per order.

    Now you can see where and how these errors can occur, add that to that the possibility of postal deliveries going astray which we have no idea if and when they happpen, you start to see the picture.

    I have no fail safe idea on how to prevent samples from not been processed or reaching their intended destination due to the fact when humans are involved then human errors occur, however if you do not receive your sample you can always give me a call and I will personally do the sample for you.

    Final note to Brian, it does not matter whether you spend £100 or £1,000 per month, at the end of the day you are the people you keep us in business, fair dues some people and I dare say companies may think that way but please don’t tar everyone with the same brush.


    I’m not a big spender with Grafityp but I can’t fault there help/assistance when needed….. always there when needed and help out all the time(even when I’m being stupid)

  • John Childs

    September 8, 2006 at 3:47 pm


    I’m surprised that you treat everyone the same whether they buy £100 or £1,000 per month. I certainly don’t run my business like that.

    We have some very good customers and some, I hate to say it, who are a waste of space, as well as all shades in between. We also have some very busy days and some quiet ones. On a very busy day we physically can’t do everything, if we could we would be overstaffed 90% of the time with all the costing and overhead problems that would entail.

    So, occasionally, a choice has to be made as to who doesn’t get their job done that day and I can assure you that it won’t be the good customer who spends thousands a month and leaves a good profit behind. More likely it will be the boy racer who just wants to look at colours and fonts for his one off car graphics who gets shown the door. When push comes to shove, we have to prioritise.

    I really do think that it is in the interests of my company, and therefore myself and my staff, to give priority to the customers, actual or potential, who are most important and valuable to us.

    I think I would also take a dim view of a supplier who didn’t get my order for five rolls of vinyl out because they were swamped with requests from the £100 per month boys wanting free samples that day. I would have to question their commitment to me as a customer.

    Finally, I’m not trying to criticise here, you will run your business how you see fit, but I am genuinely interested in the difference between our two philosophies.

    I would also be interested to hear from people who might only buy £100 of vinyl per month why they think they deserve the same level of service as people who place much larger orders. But before replying and having a pop at my attitude, remember that we all started small and I’ve been through the sort of experiences, real or imagined, that you suffer.

  • Luke Lansdell

    September 8, 2006 at 3:55 pm

    Good to see your input, Nigel.

    We have just recently expanded into the signage industry, so I am looking around to find reliable suppliers and so the service we receive at this stage is crucial. I may call you soon for those samples!


  • Nigel Pugh

    September 8, 2006 at 4:07 pm

    To be honest John I do agree that is how most companies do treat their customers, even ours. What I said was more of a personal view, to me I give the same courtesey and time to all I speak to, well 99% of the time.

    So whether it is a three hour demo of a £600 plotter or a £85k printer I will spend as much time as that customers wants, because I want each customer to come back week after week for their purchases.

    You can call me a jobsworth 😛 but thats the way I am

  • John Wilson

    September 8, 2006 at 4:17 pm
    quote Nigel Pugh – Grafityp:

    You can call me a jobsworth 😛 but thats the way I am

    Jobsworth 😉 :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

  • Brian Hays

    September 8, 2006 at 4:50 pm

    John, I would guess many of Nigel’s customers read everything that he posts here. maybe a BIG difference between his & your customers? 😮 😀 😀

  • John Childs

    September 8, 2006 at 6:04 pm
    quote Brian Hays – Impact:

    John, I would guess many of Nigel’s customers read everything that he posts here. maybe a BIG difference between his & your customers? 😮 😀 😀

    I’m sure you are right that Nigel’s customers read whatever he posts Brian. Perhaps the difference is that he needs to be more diplomatic than do I. 🙂

    Having said that, I wouldn’t be upset if what I have posted found its way on to the front page of the Daily Mail for all my customers to read. In fact I think the better ones would be pleased to know that they are not going to be let down when we are busy.

    And it wouldn’t hurt some of the others to be made aware that we are not in existence to pander to their every whim and that we can’t always drop everything to attend to the little job which they left until the last minute.

  • Phil Halling

    September 8, 2006 at 7:09 pm

    Wholeheartedly agree with John, no business can afford to carry staff to handle every possible enquiry when times are busy, so it is inevitable that somebody is going to be dissapointed at those times. It’s a sad fact ,maybe, but I know our own priorities are as follows:
    The biggest spenders
    The promptest payers
    Trade sales
    The man off the street.

    Ce la vie 🙄

  • David Rowland

    September 8, 2006 at 9:06 pm

    with a thread like this, it allows you to focus on the areas of the business that isn’t working correctly, not all the time you can see where the breakdowns in communication is. I know we may end up with lost customers due to staff and work reasons, then we have months where we haven’t got enough work for them to do.

    facts of business tho.

  • Joe McNamara

    September 9, 2006 at 10:59 pm

    Had a phone call from Grafityp last week …..about 3pm.

    I had filled in their catalogoe request online.

    The lady on the phone asked what I was interested in – anything in particular.
    I said T-shirt vinyl to print on the versacamm, and sign vinyl, and could she send it to my home address.

    The next morning postie is knocking on my door at about 8 with a cardboard tube – I’m thinking "what the F3ck is this?" – turns out to be a colour swatch for EVERY grafityp vinyl AND one meter (approx) x 610mm "Sample" of the T-shirt vinyl.

    I don’t think I’ve ever had that much t-shirt vinyl as a sample ever!

    So well done Grafityp and well done Nigel – I’ll be placing orders soon!


  • Peter Normington

    September 9, 2006 at 11:04 pm

    JC is a wise old geezer, tells it like it is.

    nuff said


  • Nicola McIntosh

    September 9, 2006 at 11:09 pm
    quote Peter Normington:

    JC is a wise old geezer, tells it like it is.

    oi peter you beat me too it……. 😉


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