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  • For my cricket loving friends …..

    Posted by Shane Drew on December 8, 2006 at 10:24 am

    Had to forward this one on… especially to my pommy friends 😉

    Q. What is the height of optimism?
    A. An English batsman putting on sunscreen.

    Q. What would Glenn McGrath be if he was English?
    A. An all rounder.

    Q. What is the main function of the England coach?
    A. To transport the team from the hotel to the ground.

    Q. What’s the English version of a hat trick?
    A. Three runs in three balls.

    Q. Why don’t English fielders need pre tour travel injections?
    A. Because they never catch anything.

    Q. What’s the English version of LBW?
    A. Lost, Beaten and Walloped.

    Q. What do you call a Englishman with 100 runs against his name?
    A. A bowler.

    Q. What does "Ashes" stand for?
    A. Another Sad Horrific English Series.

    Q. What do English batsmen and drug addicts have in common?
    A. Both spend most of their time wondering where their next score will come from.

    David Lowery replied 17 years, 4 months ago 8 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • David Lowery

    December 8, 2006 at 10:26 am

    I know, revenge is sweet 😥

  • David Rowland

    December 8, 2006 at 11:23 pm

    shesh…. (:)

  • Shane Drew

    December 9, 2006 at 12:40 pm

    Just imagine if you worked over here guys. Many stories about it being open season on english co-workers here. All in good fun of course.

    I’ve got one english client that has banned cricket being dicussed while he is in the room. Of course, his aussie co workers respect his wishes… NOT :lol1:

    Its not won yet though, even tho they lost a game agains a schoolboys ‘A’ team… but they were probably just unlucky.

    At least with Damien Martyns (forced) retirement, you guys may have a better chance. He’s been the scapegoat for any losses here, from the last ashes to just about every game since. I feel sorry for the guy, but with so many up and coming cricketers waiting in the aussie wings, he probably saw the writing on the wall.

    Stupid thing is at 32 people are saying he is over the hill 🙄

    I have this theory that the aussies will not want to win the next few games, because the ICC really want every game sold out. I’d be expecting a loss or a draw in the next few games at least, just so they can make a fortune at the turnstiles.

    I know, I know…. a cynic… you sound like my wife 😉

  • Shane Drew

    December 11, 2006 at 3:54 am

    The cricketer was visiting the psychiatrist.

    Cricketer: ‘It’s terrible. I can’t score runs, I’m a terrible bowler, and I can’t hold a catch. What can l do?

    Doctor: ‘Get another job.’

    Cricketer: ‘I can’t. I’m playing for England tomorrow !’

  • Shane Drew

    December 11, 2006 at 4:01 am

    Cricket Definitions

    APPEAL- A 250 decibel scream made to overcome the obvious congen-
    ital deafness so common in the umpiring profession.

    AVAGOYAMUG- The mysterious, almost religious chant that comes out
    of the mouth of the cricket spectator.Sometimes it can be repeat-
    ed by the one person 1200 times in an afternoon,especially if
    the Englishmen are batting.

    BLOCK- Taking block, a slow painful ritual involving an incoming
    batsman, the umpire and a little pitch excavation.A means of
    postponing the fearful onslaught.

    BRADMAN- See God.

    BYE- A way of scoring a run or more by cleverly missing the
    ball.The umpire raises one arm as if he wants to leave the
    room.The wicketkeeper wishes he could.

    CAUGHT BEHIND- Trapped in the turnstiles.

    COMMENTATOR- He’s venerable.His eyesight is not as good as it was
    in 1938 but it’s remarkable how he can still pick an inswinger or
    an outswinger from 200 metres.Whats going on in the centre can be
    a wretched inconvevience when he’s just recalling that marvellous
    incident on the fourth day of the Fifth Test in 1948.He is superb
    at describing seagulls and most graceful at 5pm when he refers to
    the long shadows moving across the ground.At 6pm during the sum-
    ming up he can usually cause a shock by actually referring to the
    days play.

    ESKY- A trade device used for carting refreshments mostly into
    sports grounds. Many of them are made of plastic foam.In moments
    of extreme emotion during Test matches it is done to break
    up your esky and throw the pieces at

    EXTRAS- Or in politer circles,sundries.Here we have the collec-
    tion of no balls and byes.Extras is quite a fellow.Sometimes he
    is so skillful he is the top scorer of the day.

    FOOTBALL- A crude winter game played with an inflated pigskin.It
    provides much tedious talk in the newspapers,bars and on the
    airwaves.If particular care is not taken it will get worse and
    the desire will arise to play it all year round.

    GOD- See Bradman.

    HORSE RACING- A strange unecessary sport where horses are
    thrashed into competing against one another.It is used for the
    sole purpose of interrupting cricket descriptions on the radio.

  • Andy Gorman

    December 14, 2006 at 8:59 am

    Hello Shaney. Just to let you know, that is what all the fuss was about with that Panesar bloke. 5-92 I think that beats Warne’s best at Waca, doesn’t it? Doesn’t it? Eh? Eh?


  • David Lowery

    December 14, 2006 at 9:10 am

    244 all out 😀

  • Marcella Ross

    December 14, 2006 at 9:12 am

    isn’t that game finished yet???????? How long does it go on for?

    A game of rounders is usually done in 2 hours! 😉

  • George Elsmore

    December 14, 2006 at 9:30 am

    :no1: Marcella stick to what you know tossing cabers :lol1:

  • Shane Drew

    December 14, 2006 at 9:38 am
    quote Dave n Rob Lowery:

    244 all out 😀

    Is there a game on today? ah yes, england 2/37…. 😛

    Andy, the aussies have been saying your spinner is the danger man since your lot arrived. No one can understand why he has not played in the 1st 2 games 😮

  • David Lowery

    December 14, 2006 at 9:46 am
    quote George Elsmore:

    :no1: Marcella stick to what you know tossing cabers :lol1:

    Are you saying Marcella is a to$$er George 😕

  • George Elsmore

    December 14, 2006 at 9:48 am


  • Marcella Ross

    December 14, 2006 at 10:13 am

    your card is marked Elsmore!

  • George Elsmore

    December 14, 2006 at 10:18 am

    :plane: thats me off to live in Brazil

  • Shane Drew

    December 15, 2006 at 7:22 am
    quote Dave n Rob Lowery:

    244 all out 😀

    england 215 all out, but I guess you know that by now :lol1:

  • David Lowery

    December 15, 2006 at 8:31 am

    Last I heard was Aussies 0 for 1 wicket :lol1:


  • Shane Drew

    December 15, 2006 at 11:35 am
    quote Dave n Rob Lowery:

    Last I heard was Aussies 0 for 1 wicket :lol1:


    na mate, Langer fell on his sword to try and give you guys a hand I think. Who’d blame the poor guy. Apparently the Barmy Army have all applied for aussie citizenship. 😮 I mean , a fan can only cry for so long I reckon.

    At a second innings of 1/119 looks like this one may be a good one. Ponting got past 2, which has to be a plus.

    The other people crying is the aussie cricket board. Last thing they want is a win. Less money in the final games if that is the case. They have only sold out for the 1st 4 days of this test. Apparently even the Balmy Army had plans to go to the beach on the fifth day 😛

    Cheer up guys, we can still lose from here. Shane Warne may see a pretty blonde in the crowd and become distracted. Hell, he may see a woman in the crowd and become distracted. Lets hope he has not got access to sms out there 😉

  • David Rowland

    December 16, 2006 at 12:19 am

    Shane, thank you for that tactile post and you know the news teams are not covering it as much now

  • Andy Gorman

    December 16, 2006 at 12:51 am

    I don’t think any of us are really holding out much hope of victory really. I just wanted to see Monty make himself a dead cert for the future. Bloody selectors, why didn’t they have him in from the start?

    In England Shane, we always blame the management, never the players. Its traditional.

  • Shane Drew

    December 16, 2006 at 3:09 am
    quote Andy Gorman:

    In England Shane, we always blame the management, never the players. Its traditional.

    We always blame Damien Martin unfortunately :lol1:

    In truth tho Andy, the tall poppy syndrome is alive and well here. Anyone successful is always fair game here.

    Aussie fans put so much pressure on our sporting ‘stars’, it really steams me sometimes. The expectation is so high, our young sports stars faulter, and they are labelled useless or whatever. I think there is so much money at stake, its taken the joy out of it for some.

    I hardly even follow motorsport anymore. Now our premier V8 sport races in china and the emerites. Its all about the money, not the fans now, I mean, Buick sponsors our holden teams in China. Whats that all about.
    Sorry, I’ll stop ranting now…… 😳

  • Shane Drew

    December 18, 2006 at 6:40 am

    you probably know this by now but…


    (Just incase you were living under a rock or something, without radio, TV and no access to a paper) :lol1: :lol1:

    Still 2 games to go now. The english team want to win them for english pride.

    Yeah right. Tell that to the english press 😛

  • David Lowery

    December 18, 2006 at 8:30 am

    Somebody say something 🙄

    X-Factor was good wasn’t it 🙄

  • John Childs

    December 18, 2006 at 8:55 am

    Who cares (?)


  • David Rowland

    December 18, 2006 at 12:59 pm

    ashes? whats that?

  • Shane Drew

    December 19, 2006 at 10:54 am
    quote Andy Gorman:


    In England Shane, we always blame the management, never the players. Its traditional.

    Hey Andy, I see what you mean. There is talk about sacking the coach, nothing about the players at all.

  • David Lowery

    December 19, 2006 at 12:48 pm

    Yep, only sacking the coach and he’s getting off light

    But for the players

  • Shane Drew

    December 28, 2006 at 12:30 pm

    hhhmm…. You may not have heard my friends, but we

    won the 4th test by an innings and 99 runs :lol1:

    ….. oh never mind…

    (the place is all of a sudden filled with poms trying to sound like kiwis 😉 – they don’t do that very well either 😛 )

    The cricket board has to refund two days worth of tickets (50,000). They are crying with the english coach, but for different reasons 😉

  • Lance Sherrard

    January 1, 2007 at 9:00 am
    quote Dave Rowland:

    ashes? whats that?

    The Ashes ?

    The English Cricket Team after being ‘burnt’ by our overrated, elderly team members

  • Lance Sherrard

    January 1, 2007 at 9:03 am

    Starts all over again in about 14 hours. Let’s all hope for a more exciting game.
    A real challenge from the English, or an even more impressive win by the Aussies. Either would do.

  • Shane Drew

    January 1, 2007 at 9:50 am
    quote Lance Sherrard:

    Starts all over again in about 14 hours. Let’s all hope for a more exciting game.
    A real challenge from the English, or an even more impressive win by the Aussies. Either would do.

    The retirement of Langer, McGrath, Warne, 07 could be an interesting year in cricket terms.

    Not so confident about the world cup now 😕 Nice for the boys to retire 5-0 tho, even tho the poms may not think so, be good for their last game, don’t you think?

  • Shane Drew

    February 2, 2007 at 8:02 am


    (sorry guys, couldn’t resist it :lol1: )


  • David Lowery

    February 2, 2007 at 4:48 pm

    salt – wound – salt – wound

    😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

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