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  • Fixing foam letters to allu composite.

    Posted by James Beavon on November 7, 2012 at 1:11 pm

    Hi all

    whats the best way to fix foam letters to an allu composite.

    the letters need to be protruding about an inch from the substrate so im thinking locators.

    what glue should i use ?

    the substrate is being fixed flush over the top of an existing sign, so im thinking ill have a problem with the screws ( used with the locators ).

    I could always fix the letters once the substrate is up and screw straight through the two signs, but would rather make it up in shop.

    any thoughts


    James Beavon replied 11 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    November 7, 2012 at 1:34 pm

    tensol adhesive for male locator to foam letters
    you can still layup and pre-drill in your workshop, then on site use the pilot holes as your template.
    if you have two panels being fitted to the front predrilling before on site can be risky if both panels dont align perfectly you letters wont marry up with the locators. if that makes sense?

    to be honest honest you would be best getting rid of the old sign and also give them some form of frame/trim. thats IF its not something like a pan sign your putting up in place.

  • James Beavon

    November 8, 2012 at 2:25 pm
    quote Robert Lambie:

    tensol adhesive for male locator to foam letters
    you can still layup and pre-drill in your workshop, then on site use the pilot holes as your template.
    if you have two panels being fitted to the front predrilling before on site can be risky if both panels dont align perfectly you letters wont marry up with the locators. if that makes sense?

    to be honest honest you would be best getting rid of the old sign and also give them some form of frame/trim. thats IF its not something like a pan sign your putting up in place.

    cheers robert.

    do you think gorilla glue will do the trick, as ive some left over, the specs seem pretty impressive.

    ive also come across this … astics.pdf

    according to the chart ( from bostik the tensol 70 manufacturer ) it isnt suitable for foam pvc or letter locators.

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