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  • David Lowery

    January 29, 2007 at 8:36 pm

    Scientists reckon that the drinking water in the taps in the South East of England has been through 7 people before!!! :vomit:

  • Shane Drew

    January 29, 2007 at 9:50 pm

    This issue is big news here, getting pretty sick of it actually.

    Fact is, before teflon pete (peter beattie – arguably one of the most dishonest pollies our state has seen, and we’ve seen a few ) the previous government had a dam all ready to go into construction, and the labor party used a huge scare campaign against the dam at the next election, and got into power. Now, we need that dam, the labor party has been caught out, and the public are being penalized for the labor parties total lack of honesty in the matter.

    As far as xxxx beer goes, they reckon it has the taste it does because they get the water from the polluted Brisbane river. Of course, that wouldn’t be right… would it?

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