• Ezy Taper

    Posted by John Stevenson on July 27, 2006 at 6:37 pm

    Today we became the latest members of the Ezy Tapers owners club.

    Too soon to know if we like it but so far we think the instructions for assembly could be improved.

    If it turns out to be anything less than wonderful, I’ll be blaming Shane Drew.


    Kevin Flowers replied 17 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Micheal Donnellan

    July 27, 2006 at 7:59 pm


  • Nicola McIntosh

    July 27, 2006 at 9:47 pm

    glad to hear it john…good luck, hope the taper does what you expect it to do…….im waiting until everyone else tries it out before i commit to one 😉


  • Shane Drew

    July 28, 2006 at 1:06 am
    quote John Stevenson:

    Today we became the latest members of the Ezy Tapers owners club.

    Too soon to know if we like it but so far we think the instructions for assembly could be improved.

    If it turns out to be anything less than wonderful, I’ll be blaming Shane Drew.


    😮 (gulp) Welcome to the .. er club mate…. 😕

    What assembly? Mine came ready to use….. Which is good coz as a mechanic I make a good sign guy 😳

    Let me know how it goes…. I’ll start looking for a new name just in case… 😕 😉 :lol1:

  • Grant Dennis

    August 21, 2006 at 8:21 pm

    whats this one look like then ?

  • Shane Drew

    August 22, 2006 at 9:38 am
    quote GrantD:

    whats this one look like then ?

    click the ezy taper link on the main page mate

  • Lee Pitcher

    August 22, 2006 at 3:49 pm

    Hi John
    we purchased an Ezy taper a month ago now. When we first got it I have to say it was a bit ….errmmmm :headbang2:

    With a bit of practice and alot of wastage it seems ok although for wide prints in particular it definitely seems a 2 person operation thing.
    You certainly have to make sure you get everything right in the first instance – get it wrong and its a pain. Definitely a case of ‘less speed more thought’ before setting about laminating stuff. Have also found certain laminates have alot more static and with backing paper thats more ,how shall i say, crinkly – when trying to separate the two it can be very awkward.
    If you’re like us you’ll be frustrated with it to begin with but soon learn to cope with its ‘requirements’ to laminate something decently.

    We went by Shanes recommendation too by the way ! (im sure he must have shares in the company !!)

  • John Stevenson

    August 22, 2006 at 4:44 pm

    That’s interesting Lee. Mirrors our experience quite closely.

    However, we have a training day tomorrow (Wed 23/08/06) when we hope to iron out some wrinkles. And the good news is that training is being done by Warwick who invented the machine.

    We’ve been using it to flood coat a lot of 8’x4′ Euroflute and with some wastage, we’ve got there. We couldn’t have done it without the ezy-taper but sometimes we were using 3 people.

    I’ll report again once the training’s over.


  • Grant Dennis

    August 22, 2006 at 4:47 pm

    am i being thick, or have i got the wrong "main page" ? 😳

  • Shane Drew

    August 22, 2006 at 10:37 pm
    quote GrantD:

    am i being thick, or have i got the wrong “main page” ? 😳

    This is the link of the main page mate http://www.ezytapereurope.com/

    John, please say hi to Warrick for me. Was speaking to his better half last week and she said he was flying over there on his way to the American Sign Show (I think)

    Lee, I experienced the same problems when I first got it. After a visit, with some one on one training, it very easy to master. Slow and steady is best until you build up your confidence. I had 1 or 2 helpers in the early days too, but last night I laminated 6 4000mm x 1200mm prints with oracal 215 by myself with no issues at all. I’ve been using this by myself for many months now. Can’t remember the last stuff up that was not caused by user error 😕 The problem is you get over confident and then it bites you in the rear.

    Its like driving I suppose. You may be able to drive a car very confidently, but you probably couldn’t jump on a motorbike 1st try and be a confident rider. We all know the theory, but we still need a learning process to be good at it.

    No I don’t have shares, yes I wish I did 😉

    I wouldn’t lead you astray mate… honest 😳

    Hope it works out guys… Keep me/us posted won’t you 😉

  • Lee Pitcher

    August 23, 2006 at 3:45 pm

    hi Shane
    yeah we’ve pretty much got it cracked now – took a while but like you say slow and steady and a bit of thought and its not a problem. still bites back on the odd occasion when the old concentration lapses !
    At the moment we’re happy with it – there are little tricks you can learn to make life easier when using it but alot of it is just a question of practice !!

    We used some Graphi laminate which did cause us problems particularly separating it and trying to fold it back under the roller. This particular laminate had quite crinkly backing paper which kept resticking itself to the laminate which was/is a pain.

    Kind of glad we bought it – it is certainly useful. pretty expensive for what it is though i think.

  • John Stevenson

    August 23, 2006 at 7:28 pm

    Training went well

    Warrick is a good guy who really knows his stuff -was very helpful and not just about the Ezy-Taper. He had been completing a job in Belfast from 4.00am before getting on a plane to arrive in Glasgow at 08.55.

    He demonstrated best use of Ezy-Taper on a variety of materials from foamboard to magnetic sheets.

    We’re now much more confident with the machine and glad we bought it.

    And Shane, Warrick appreciated your long-distance hello.


  • Shane Drew

    August 24, 2006 at 3:48 am

    Cheers guys.

    Lee, I am happy to follow through with your concerns if you want me too.

    Warrick is a good bloke John… Of course, I only associate with the good people in the trade :lol1: :lol1:

  • Kevin Flowers

    August 24, 2006 at 8:06 am

    Hi all
    got Warrick visiting me today, to sort a few things & a bit of training


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