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  • Peter Normington

    March 7, 2005 at 10:55 pm

    I remember the first time like it was yesterday. 😀
    But I can’t really say when I first used the web, must have been a long time ago cos it was clockwork!

  • Steve Lamb

    March 7, 2005 at 11:01 pm

    Can’t remember when i actually first used it but I do remember the first time I heard of it, 1994 when i first got to Los Angeles. 30 years wow never knew that. Put into prospective I was a little behind the times 😥


  • Andy Gorman

    March 7, 2005 at 11:08 pm

    I remember gaining limited access to the interweb via a bulletin board about 10 years ago. There was much less porn in those days, and Rob was the only member on here!

  • John Singh

    March 7, 2005 at 11:09 pm

    Thats a good question
    I’m wracking my brains but can’t remember
    I think it was about the time when the internet suddenly became available to the common folk. Hitherto businesses were all hyped up in getting a website and plastering the details on their signs. Don’t think it was very long after the surge that I got hooked


  • Andy Gorman

    March 7, 2005 at 11:11 pm

    I remember paying £27 a month for dial up as well!

  • Paul Goodwin

    March 7, 2005 at 11:20 pm

    I first used it to play Command and Conquer , my phone bills back then were huge a coupel of hundred a month 🙁

    but boy was it fun, that was around 10 yrs ago when my daughter was born.

    Incidently then I have know McRod for nearly 10 years 🙂 as he was the first person i ever beat in C&C , and i never let him forget it (:) (:)

    those were the days 😎

  • Marekdlux

    March 7, 2005 at 11:21 pm

    For me it was around ’92. I think my Dad was paying something like $5.00 an hour at the time. My 2 sisters and I would fight over when and how long we could be on. Nothing like a 13 year old staying up past midnight to surf the web. Now I’m 26 and still staying up past my bed time. I don’t get in trouble anymore for visiting dirty websites though. 😳

  • Phill Fenton

    March 7, 2005 at 11:28 pm

    I think it was about 1996-7 that I first became aware of the internet. Back then all of the hype was “if your not an internet company – you’ll be out of business in 5 years” Consequently all the pension fund managers squandered huge amounts of our cash on half brained “internet” companies. Our pension funds still haven’t recovered from it all.

    I love the internet – I think it’s the most amazing resource ever (it’s like having the worlds greatest library at your fingertips). I just hate all of the porn, viruses, scams, browser hijacking and associated rubbish that goes with it all.

  • Lee Harris

    March 8, 2005 at 12:04 am

    Hi All

    Must be pre ’96. My first e-mail address was like ‘’.
    If my memory is correct, it was also when UKOnline started. One of the very first, I believe, UK based ISP’s and they are still going.

    So what’s in store for the 30 year’s.


  • Paul Cox

    March 8, 2005 at 12:20 am

    Jesus, thats mind boggling! I think that everyone has just got so used to it being a normal, everday thing!

    If i remember, i dont think it was Microsoft Internet Explorer, didnt Mr Gates and his merry men underestimate the potetial of SURFING the world wide web but for the life of me i cant think of the first program i used.

  • Bill Dewison

    March 8, 2005 at 10:43 am

    The first browsers were from Mozilla, Sun Systems and Netscape. Good old Bill was left playing catchup when the penny dropped with him that he could earn more money than soft mick on the net :lol1:

    No idea of the actual year I started out on the net, but I know I started out on the old text based bulletin boards. It must’ve been before 95 as thats when the old BBSes progressed to GUI and had internet capabilities… also a much quicker way to connect with our 2400 baud modems. Those were the days, when you could make a 3 course meal, redecorate the bathroom and still have time to nip down to the pub for a pint… and all this in the time it took to download a single image 🙄 Ahhh technology 😀

    Cheers, Dewi

  • Shane Drew

    March 8, 2005 at 11:22 am

    Yeah Dewi, aint that right.

    I was using the internet in about 92 ordering spare parts from epson and the like. They were a very progressive company back then and saw the internet as a good tool way before most major companies.

    Technology is amazing. I remember using a Commodoer C64 do do my accounts and payroll in the late ’80’s all on 64k of RAM and a single 51/4 floppy disk. Now we need 512K of Ram for the most basic accounting package as well as drives that are gigabytes in size. I am told the ‘new’ XP will need 1 GB just for the operating system.

    How about the old Amstrad computers that had a scanner connected to the print head on the printer……The old modems that you had to put the phone headset in….oohhh I am feeling old 😳

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