• Corel or adobie?

    Posted by Ian Higgins on September 22, 2004 at 10:32 pm

    Just wondered what most of you guys out there used for creating designs for printing.. Having used Signlab 5 for about 4 years Just about got it sussed and now upgraded to 7 which is a total nightmare at the moment… not the program.. just me trying to get the hang of it.
    Now looking at doing more design stuff for print and am going to have to learn a whole new program, so just wonderd what you all prefer…

    P.S. Anyone know of any good training videos or companys that do training for either I think I might need some help.

    Tim Painter replied 19 years, 9 months ago 11 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Andy Gorman

    September 22, 2004 at 10:41 pm

    I think they are basically the same in terms of capability. I prefer Corel but only because I am so familiar with it. I found it easier to grasp when I first used both and stuck with it. Whichever you choose, you’ll find that you will get on fine as they are both great packages. (Both, of course, have their little idiosyncracies that you learn to live with). I keep both on my computer because there are handy features in one that the other doesn’t have, vice versa.

    As far as training is concerned, I know that short courses in Illustrator, Photoshop etc are available at my local college in the evenings. I generally just dive in and refer to help files when I get completely stuck. I have seen videos advertised on the web, do a search.

    I know Outline loves Corel 😉 I wonder what he thinks?

  • Robert Lambie

    September 22, 2004 at 10:47 pm

    ide say photoshop….
    im like G… just mess around and refer to help files..
    im starting to know my way around pretty well.. i think signlabs very easy to use and fast compared to corel or photoshop… but photoshop far outweighs signlab for image work.
    im not a corel fan sorry….

  • Andy Gorman

    September 22, 2004 at 10:56 pm

    I was talking purely about vector packages.
    As far as bitmap creation software is concerned Photoshop every time.
    The corel version (Photopaint) is very good, but Photoshop is just better. Be warned though, it takes some learning. Not only in terms of what tools do what and why, but some of the technicalities and theory that are required to get the most from the software.

  • autosign

    September 23, 2004 at 7:17 pm

    Photoshop. I think it is the best piece of software ever written. But, it is incredibly in-depth. You could use it for 10 years and still be barely scraping the surface.

  • Gordon Forbes

    September 23, 2004 at 7:32 pm

    Corel an Flexi

    Don’t think he can spell anything else


  • Pryam Carter

    September 23, 2004 at 7:34 pm

    I think that they are both good in their own ways, the thing l particularly like is they work together.
    Prefer Corel for messing with text (apart from the effects in photoshop) and photoshop for the graphics / photos etc.
    Photoshop is ssssssssssooooooooooo in depth.

  • Carrie Brown

    September 23, 2004 at 7:43 pm

    I agree, both are good in their own ways, same with anything I suppose.

    Carrie 😀

  • Keith Nilsen

    September 23, 2004 at 7:46 pm

    For pure vector creation power and versatility I would vote for Adobe Ilustrator… outputs nicely to printers and plotters! Ultimately though it depends on personal preferences as well as end aim of any particular project.

  • Lee Jones

    September 23, 2004 at 9:29 pm

    Adobe everytime ! The professionals choice

    Photoshop – the print industry standard software, used it since we had a Mac Quadra and photoshop 3, corel is just a toy in comparison.

    Do get some training, plenty of Video CD / DVD to choose from (forget the books), but some of the best in my view are from a guy called Mark Monciardini, a totally wacky photoshop guru from the states. His DVD’s explain the “HOW TO” principle from grass root levels, but dont’ take my word for it, see the examples below:

    Mark’s Photoshop 7 Master Kit

    A fairly conservative approach in this DVD

    Introduction: http://lib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib … tro1mb.mov

    Examples from the DVD:QuickTime required
    Using the patch tool:
    http://lib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib … chtool.mov
    Replace color in a image
    http://lib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib … ecolor.mov
    Optimizing Vector Art:
    http://lib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib … torart.mov
    Paste Into Command:
    http://lib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib … teinto.mov
    3D Boxes with Distort:
    http://lib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib … istort.mov
    Knockout Colors:
    http://lib1.store.vip.sc5.yahoo.com/lib … colors.mov

    Brush up on you skills with Marks advanced photoshop CS F/X


    Mark’s really gone OTT on this one !

    Mark’s 101 tips

    Examples from the DVDQuickTime required
    Removing colour cast:
    http://www.designsbymark.com/marks101ti … rcast.html
    change colour in an image:
    http://www.designsbymark.com/marks101ti … color2.mov
    Borders with Brushes:
    http://www.designsbymark.com/marks101ti … hbord.html
    Adding Motion to Photos:
    http://www.designsbymark.com/marks101ti … otion.html
    Locate Transformation Handles:
    http://www.designsbymark.com/marks101ti … ndles.html
    Fix Underexposed Images:
    http://www.designsbymark.com/marks101ti … rexpos.mov

    For further details visit his site :http://designsbymark.com/

  • John Cornfield

    September 23, 2004 at 9:34 pm

    We do a lot of bureau printing for designers and ad agencies.

    Far and away we get more artwork in Freehand than Illustrator,Quark or In Design.

    Never ever get corel files.

    To be honest Corel is seen as amateur by the professionals in design. But if it waorks for you and it is all you need why blow the money!

    Me i am a freehand man!

  • J. Hulme

    September 23, 2004 at 9:53 pm
    quote big G:

    I know Outline loves Corel 😉 I wonder what he thinks?

    try Xara X 😉

  • Tim Painter

    September 24, 2004 at 9:01 am

    Been using it since Ver 4 for Litho Print artwork on a PC for single colour to 6 colour jobs, never had a problem. Now use it for cut vinyl.

    Go down this route we will be on the Mac / PC argument and that gets so boring yawn……..


    XXCorelXX so under rated :lol1:

    and as for Quark I hate it ……Its costs so much cuz it looks and performs like an antique!

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