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  • Competition Winners. Find out who won???

    Posted by Robert Lambie on November 11, 2003 at 11:12 pm

    Following weeks of deliberation and hundreds of hours sifting through piles of entries – the results are finally in for the first design competition.

    OK – so it didn’t really take weeks or even hundreds of hours – but we did have a lots of entries and, more importantly, WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

    Well I know you’re all frantic to know who it was – so without any further ado…[fanfare]…

    The winner of the UKSB 2003 logo design award sponsored by MACtac is:
    Lee & Jenny Attewell of “Graffic Jam from Western Australia!

    Unfortunately, Jenny and Lee can’t be with us tonight – so we sent our roving reporter out to see them and snap a piccie of the happy couple. Both proudly sporting their winners UKSB t-shirts – Jenny proudly holds the personalised brass engraved winners plaque and Lee – well, Lee just seems happy to see Jenny! (or is that a roll of vinyl he’s holding!)…
    (Leeroy & Jenny recieved 100 metres of MACtac 9800 vinyl from our competition sponsors)

    Leeroy sent this message for all the folks on the UKSignBoards:
    “It came as quite a bit of a surprise to find out we had won…Jenny and I would like to thank everyone involved with this competition. Taking part in this was great fun. It was difficult not being given a brief by the customer and having to do it ‘on spec’. A great idea!…”

    The judges were unanimous in the opinion that Jenny and Lee’s design stood out amongst the dozens of others and was a deserved winner – and here it is:

    mikethesign comments: “…this design above all others has all the qualities of a classic logo. It is deceptively simple yet elegant in its styling. Consisting of just two colours over a white base, and employing simple geometric shapes to great effect, it has the ability to convey its message quickly and easily, even at a distance. As a company logo – its regular proportions and simple construction means not only can it be easily adapted to fit different shaped vehicle and sign panels but also various disciplines and materials such as cut vinyl, digital, signwriting, embroidery and printing, a quality that many entries overlooked…”

    We would also like to commend three other designs in particular. These ‘runners-up’ each possessed qualities that the judges felt merited a placing… Each runner receives a t-shirt.
    They are as follows:

    FIRST RUNNER-UP…Adrian Howard of Signrite

    Adrians design was found to most distinctive by virtue of its unusual profile and colour conbination. This is something that was remarked upon throughout the judging and was the deciding factor in awarding it ‘first runner-up’. Unique shapes and colour combinations are highly prized in logo design. Even at great distances, such logos become instantly recognisable and therefore of great value to the company using them.

    SECOND RUNNER-UP…Andie Lines of Andie lines graphic arts

    Andies design was professional, well executed and was noted for its use of typestyle and semi-abstract, modernistic styling.

    AND THE THIRD RUNNER-UP…Phill Fenton of The Right Signs

    In the last eighteen months many signmakers, some new to the trade and some more experienced, have found their way to the UKSignBoards and have become an integral part of this on-line community. Signmakers like Tim Gittoes from Wales, Eddie Cotter from Ireland and Martin Pearson from Cowdenbeath, to name a few, have all gone from strength to strength during the time we’ve known them here on the site. We’ve decided to take this opportunity to make, what we know will be, a popular decision in awarding the position of third runner-up to another well-known signmaker, namely Phill Fenton of The Right Signs. Most of you will know Phill as a long standing member and contributor to not only the UKSignBoards but to the on-line fraternity in general. Phill, together with his wife Alison, has been in the trade for several years and is another who has continued to develop his design and composition skills – both learning from and sharing with everyone else here. To this end we would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge his ongoing contribution and personal achievements in signwork.

    I personally would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took part, and for their hours of work in making this both an enjoyable and rewarding competition.
    I would also like to thank Beverly Ridings Marketing Manager, MACtac U.K. Ltd for sponsoring the contest & for arranging the shipping of 100 metres of MACcal 9800 PRO vinyl via their Singapore subsidiary out to Leeroy & Jenny in Australia.


    (Posted on behalf of: Beverly Ridings Marketing Manager, MACtac U.K. Ltd)
    On behalf of MACtac I would like to congratulate Lee and Jenny on their
    worthy win! We were very impressed with the entries published and obviously
    a lot of thought had gone into the creation of a logo to portray the image
    of the transport company effectively – well done everybody! For Australian
    site members and visitors: If you are needing advice on access to MACtac
    products in Australia or want information on our products, please contact
    MYLIN TAN at our Singapore Office email:


    Phill Fenton replied 14 years, 6 months ago 23 Members · 30 Replies
  • 30 Replies
  • John Singh

    November 11, 2003 at 11:30 pm

    Congratulations Lee & Jenny
    Looks superb
    You can be proud


  • F. Skierk

    November 11, 2003 at 11:58 pm

    Congratulations the both of you. (hot)
    I Wish it was me, I need some vinyl right now!
    Love the engraved sign. Is that paint or vinyl on it?

    Well done the runners up. Love those designs also. The judges must have had their work cut out for them. 😉

    Rob, when do i get my t-shirt? 😉 😆

  • Henry Barker

    November 12, 2003 at 8:08 am

    Great, finally get to see some designs, that’s cracking winner well done Leeroy you deserve that, and well done to Adrian, Andie and Phill, wish I had had some time to play around too.

    Maybe on the next one….it was a real pressure getting my panel made for letterheads recently. ´There are never enough hours in the day!

  • James White

    November 12, 2003 at 8:21 am

    Well done all of you.


  • Paul Goodwin

    November 12, 2003 at 9:17 am

    well done everyone, there are some realy stunning signs/logo’s there.

  • Rod Gray

    November 12, 2003 at 9:28 am

    Nice work Lee,



  • Phill Fenton

    November 12, 2003 at 9:29 am

    Well done to Jenny and Lee. That is a superb design and well deserved winner. 😀

    Also congratulations Adrian and err… Andie 😉

  • Johnny S

    November 12, 2003 at 9:44 am

    Well done all of you,
    I’m glad I was’nt a judge!


  • Simon Clayton

    November 12, 2003 at 9:57 am

    Some cracking stuff,
    Well done.


  • Lorraine Buchan

    November 12, 2003 at 10:09 am

    Don’t forget yourself Phill 😉

    well done to everyone some fantastic designs there.

  • image

    November 12, 2003 at 11:12 am

    Very nice works!

    Rob, when starts the next design competition? I would like a UKSB t-shirt 😉

  • Lee Attewell

    November 12, 2003 at 12:19 pm

    Just for the record boys and girls. Jenny’s the good looking one and the talented one. Congrats to the other guys as well for some great looking designs.

    I’ve actually used the new vinyl yesterday, and I’m really impressed with it so far. 100 Metres will really come in handy.

  • Alan

    November 12, 2003 at 1:27 pm

    Well done Leeroy and Jenny that is one very smart piece of work. 😎

    How did you manage to keep that poker face all these weeks! I would never have guessed it was you? 😆

    Congrats to the runners up nice work too.

    When’s the next!! 😉


    School report: Alan must try harder

  • Gordon Forbes

    November 12, 2003 at 6:52 pm

    Well done to the winners and all the others posted here.

    Certainly eyecatching and worth looking at a big departure from the usual hum drum you see on the streets most days.

  • Kevin Flowers

    November 12, 2003 at 9:02 pm

    very nice designs,well done to all who entered.


  • Mike Grant

    November 13, 2003 at 12:03 am

    Congratulations to all.
    Very good work all round.

    One day maybe one day……………….. 😉

  • Nicola McIntosh

    November 13, 2003 at 9:46 pm

    congrats to all!!

    great work! hope you all feel so proud!!


    😆 😆


  • Martin Pearson

    November 13, 2003 at 11:40 pm

    Bit belated but congrats to all those who got a mention.

  • Nickie

    November 14, 2003 at 6:48 pm

    …. sorry mines a belated congrats but ALL of the designs are great well done! Whens the next comp i need someone to design me a logo for my new website LOL! (hot)

  • Robert Lambie

    November 14, 2003 at 10:58 pm

    hi lee
    im a big user of mactac vinyl. obviously oracal too these days.
    im just interested as yu are a non user of eather, & more an avery man. what did you think of mactac for application or anything else for that mattter. i maybe over jumping asking you this, but thought i would anyway.. 🙄

    by the way, not rushing you here.. just thought ide ask.. 😉

  • Lee Attewell

    November 14, 2003 at 11:10 pm

    First impressions Rob are all positive. I’ve not used it for a major job yet but it cut and weeded really well.

    I made up the Sam Green logo into a small sign. It felt a bit more substantial to Calon ( of which I use most), which I liked. Right off the top of my head I thought “rubbery” was the feel…really flexible. I’m going to put quite a bit of it on Jens car (when we can make up our minds what we want). I feel pretty confident that the vinyl’s going to be really good to fit.

    The gloss looked even throughout which doesn’t seem to be the case with the other vinyls I’ve used. There always seem to be areas of lesser gloss through a roll.

  • Robert Lambie

    November 14, 2003 at 11:32 pm
    quote :

    The gloss looked even throughout which doesn’t seem to be the case with the other vinyl’s I’ve used. There always seem to be areas of lesser gloss through a roll.

    Ahhh something i have found myself when using other vinyl’s but thought it my imagination because of my commitment to the vinyl’s I use.
    I have found this with Avery vinyl’s but can’t comment on which type as I have never took note of type/grade when fitting.

    mactac is a good chice if you can get your hands on it there… trust me mate! 😉

  • Pryam Carter

    February 21, 2004 at 10:25 pm

    Nice work. Congratulations. 😀 😉

  • Kevin Parr

    December 25, 2009 at 1:11 pm

    Phil yours looks fantastic well done i dont suppose you will do a tutorial on how you did it ??

  • Robert Lambie

    December 25, 2009 at 11:05 pm

    as a matter of fact, he does… 😀

  • Shane Drew

    December 26, 2009 at 1:20 pm

    must be some kind of record…. a post over 6 years. Has lee still got the shirt?

  • Martin Pearson

    December 26, 2009 at 10:35 pm

    Having been absent at the time I hadn’t seen this thread before, looks like they got an award as well as the T Shirts. I didn’t actually think Robert gave awards for anything so this came as quite a surprise :lol1: 😉

  • Robert Lambie

    December 26, 2009 at 10:45 pm

    :lol1: :lol1: :lol1: oh thats it martin, rub it in mate…
    anyway… i owe you a few pints mate. 😉 see you at signuk :lol1:

  • Martin Pearson

    December 26, 2009 at 10:54 pm

    Come on Robert, do you honestly think I am ever going to let you forget :lol1:

  • Phill Fenton

    December 26, 2009 at 11:58 pm

    Count yourself lucky Martin..

    Rob has a wicked sense of humour.. the T shirt I won, even though it said "XXL" on the label.. was far too tight 😕

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