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  • Can anyone help with what types of materials to use

    Posted by Daniel Evans on November 18, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    Hi guys

    I’ve been asked to create few signs for a family member, i’ve done signs in the past using foam board (not the pvc foamex stuff) but these need to be strong (for a porter cabin / office front and have to come up with something better and stronger.

    I’m thinking of using PVC Foamex with either vinyl for the lettering or having pvc foamex letters cutout depending on price and then vinyl wrap them if needed to get the effect.

    I’ve had a price for the foamex but i’m told they can’t supply them in 1 piece and all 3 signs will need to be in sections which i do not want.

    Are these the materials i should be using and can anyone help with a supplier of either this material or an alternative, i know it’s for a family member but i want to do a good job and hopefully get some work out of it.

    banners, can i print banners on an epson 9600 using ultrachrome inks or do i need to get them printed?

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    Robert Lambie replied 13 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Bob Clarkson

    November 18, 2010 at 4:35 pm

    Diabond or Foam is fine, foam would need to be 10mm thick or it’d twist too much on weather changes. You can get a 10’by 5′ in foam, although most only see to stock 10’by 4′ as a max. Not sure on Diabond sizes, but it’s only a quick web search.

    Cant imagine wrapping cut foam letters being a cheap or practical option, unless you wanted a printed effect or similar.

    Flags and banners I don’t get involved with, I only farm out or recommend other, so I’m no help there.

  • Martin Pearson

    November 18, 2010 at 5:26 pm

    If it were me then I would be looking to do it with a composite board. All the suppliers have slightly different names for it depending on what brand they sell but they will all know it as composite.

    Have a look on the tool bar there are lots of suppliers listed. As for wrapping foamex letters not quite sure why you would want to do that and as Bob has said will work out quite expensive as you will need to use either a good quality cast vinyl or a wrap vinyl. You will also struggle if you haven’t done this sort of work before as it takes a bit of practice.

    I wouldn’t be using an epson printer for banners unless they were internal, they are so cheap to buy in from a trade supplier why risk giving yourself a bad name.

  • Chris Windebank

    November 18, 2010 at 5:45 pm

    if you need any advice I am in Herts. Have materials here too you can always take a look at before you order

  • Daniel Evans

    November 18, 2010 at 6:17 pm


    Thanks for all your advice.

    Chris i would love to visit you and have a look at materials if you close by, let me know where you are and when your free and i’ll clear some time.

    I’ll search for composite board to see what i can come up with, i’m coming up with composite aluminium, is this right, seems very expensive?

    The banners I was more than likely source out anyway but i just thought i’d see if i could do it in house, anyone know of a good company that supplies these, obviously cost is a factor but i need to weight it up against the quality, trying to find a happy medium here.

    Thanks you so much guys and hope to hear back from you

  • Chris Windebank

    November 18, 2010 at 8:18 pm

    stevenage here, website below

  • Martin Pearson

    November 19, 2010 at 1:07 am

    Chris, not sure if non members can see website details.

    Aluminium composite, that’s the stuff, as I said before has different names like skybond, allucolour, ettlebond, etc etc

    Not quite sure what you mean by it being very expensive, one 3050mm x 1500mm sheet will be enough for all 3 of your signs all in one piece and you will have a bit left over which could be used for another sign or two.
    It will pretty much last a life time and will give a professional look to the business. If you are looking to do a good job then that is what I would use.

    If your hoping this will lead to some other work which is better paid then that’s the road to go down IMO.

  • Daniel Evans

    November 19, 2010 at 8:29 am

    Thanks Martin

    Will look more into that then, we’re on the same wave length so i’ll go with your idea i think.

    I’m not a member yet so i don’t see any website details, does being a member have much of an advantage? There’s quite a few memberships to choose from, i would like to see tutorials, links step by step guides etc but £64.99 seems a lot especially when i’m not really a sign maker as yet?

    Hi Chris, it seems i’m just down the road from yourself, are you free today at all? and can you pm me or have any contact details website etc i can see, i’m not even sure i can message people being a non member

    Thanks for the help

  • Chris Windebank

    November 19, 2010 at 8:41 am

    Well worth joining UKSB as you will get your money back in no time at all.
    ingenious displays in stevenage, give me a buzz off out shortly

  • Martin Pearson

    November 19, 2010 at 1:40 pm

    Daniel, do you wan’t to be a signmaker ? From what you have posted it would seem you do. If that is the case then the membership fee is very little for what you will get out of it if you think about it. It’s all part of your training and education if you see what I mean.

    As Chris has said the UKSG membership will pay for itself in no time because you will get discounts from some of the suppliers. Yes you can negotiate discounts yourself if you are good at it and maybe even get a better price than the UKSG prices but unfortunately I’m not one of those people so the UKSG membership is well worth what I pay for it.

  • Daniel Evans

    November 19, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    Thanks Martin

    Decided to become a member, just need to do it now ha ha

    Just wanna say it was a pleasure to meet Chris today, it was great watching a pro in action and what a great guy.

  • Martin Pearson

    November 19, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    Just my opinion but I don’t think you will regret it if you are serious about signmaking and no I don’t get commission :lol1: just think it’s a great resource to have.

    I haven’t met many of the people from the forum face to face as I keep missing SignUK where a lot of them meet up but have always found people on the forum very friendly and helpful.

  • Chris Windebank

    November 21, 2010 at 9:37 am

    Hi Daniel, example of split batten I was talking about below. Easy and quick way to supply prints ready to mount


  • John Harding

    November 21, 2010 at 11:37 am
    quote :

    Just wanna say it was a pleasure to meet Chris today, it was great watching a pro in action and what a great guy.

    :yes1: :praise1:

    BTW did you get my cheque Chris?

  • Chris Windebank

    November 21, 2010 at 2:54 pm

    Get it, its cleared already lol.
    Cheers for the work John

  • Daniel Evans

    November 21, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    Found it….. ha ha

    Think i will give this a try and see how it looks when completed

  • Robert Lambie

    November 21, 2010 at 6:50 pm
    quote Chris Windebank:

    Get it, its cleared already lol.
    Cheers for the work John

    great to see you back on the boards Chris… 😀

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