Activity Feed Forums Vinyl Cutter Discussions PCUT Vinyl Cutters can anyone help my minicut is not cutting correctly?

  • can anyone help my minicut is not cutting correctly?

    Posted by ccheater on December 21, 2006 at 10:33 pm

    Hi I have had nothing but trouble with my minicut, one minute it works the next it does not.

    Basically the problem seems to be that it just stops when cutting or just runs of the vinyl ruining the vinyl.

    I have tried it from Artcut 2005 that came with it and I have also tried the SignTools demo from Corel Draw 11. both plot up to a point and then it stops, its as if the plotter cannot handle the data. I run it as CT630 as this is what I was advised and there is no setting for MC270. The test text I am trying is

    Natalie & Paul
    15th September 2006

    But I only get Nata and then the blade runs off and the plotter stops.

    If I try with a hort amount of text such as TEST it works fine!! but obviously I need to be able to do more than just that.

    I am thinking of getting a different plotter but only want it for T-shirts hence the reason I bought the minicut. Can anyone help?? Please


    Martin Pearson replied 17 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Ade Ward

    December 22, 2006 at 10:37 am

    Hi both
    That sounds like a communication problem!
    you using it from a pc or a laptop?
    i had many problems running plotter from a laptop using the usb to comm adaptor cable that i bought.
    That also used to work fine for awhile then just stop or cut a line normally resulting in me bouncing off walls cause its just ruined loads of vinyl so i know how you feel there..
    i doubt general t shirt info is gonna be to much for it to handle..
    i found artcut didnt help much i bought different software…winpcsign and its fine, thou i now only use it direct from the pc, still artcut is not the best.
    Contact the people you bought plotter from..


  • ccheater

    December 22, 2006 at 1:25 pm

    Ta Yep I think it is a communication problem as well. I’m running it from laptop, I’ve got an old PC I can use I’ll give that a try. I dont mind getting new software but dont want to keep paying out if it’s not going to work correctly.

    Thanks for your help


  • Ade Ward

    December 22, 2006 at 2:08 pm

    Hi Chris
    Yep thats your problem i think to…running from the laptop to plotter.
    its strange, pc will sort is thou, comm to comm is best.
    plotter is fine its the lead itself i expect, had same problems here.
    artcut will run it ok. only saying that another software program will do it better i think. didnt cost much for mine, bought off ebay all boxed etc not a copy like people sell on got to be so careful.

    hope it goes ok now chris..all the best

    Ade 😉

  • ccheater

    December 22, 2006 at 10:40 pm

    Hi thanks for the help seems to be working OK now. I am running it from a PC and have also set the setting for the com port to also have serial printer ticked as it runs via USB cable with on board serial converter. Doesn’t tell me to do this anywhere!! I think that stops it flooding the cutter with data. Hopefully it works now as it is handling larger files. So I think it would run from the laptop if I change the setting on there. I’ll try tomorrow with that. Been nothing but trouble since I got it, hopefully now I can start using it to bring some cash in!

    Thanks for your help


  • scraggy

    January 1, 2007 at 1:25 am

    Firstly Happy new year to everyone.
    Right I am having the same problem on my laptop running a ct630, and we think it is something to do with the output voltage from the usb port, I have tried all sorts of cables including shielded and none have solved the problem. but it is recognised straight away on my pc.
    Gonna keep playing around with different things though because from what I can make out a lot of people are having this problem.

  • John Childs

    January 1, 2007 at 3:35 am

    Caveat: I know nothing about your cutter or software.

    However. your problem sounds like a data flow issue.

    I would start by playing with the communication settings. If it’s set or XON/XOFF, try changing it to CTS, or vice versa (It’s New Year’s Day and I’m pished and can’t remember the difference) but have a play and that will probably solve your problem. If not, let me know in the morning when I’m sober and we’ll have another look at it.

    Happy New Year. 😀

  • ccheater

    January 2, 2007 at 6:22 pm

    Hi Happy New year.

    Mine is now working fine I think it may be to do with output voltage as I know run it from an OLD dell GX1 and it works fine. It shows in Artcut as being on USB on the laptop it shows as COM2, but at least it works now. the instructions with it are pants to say the least!!

    As I say make sure you tick the serial printer option on the Port after I did this it worked fine.

  • Martin Pearson

    January 2, 2007 at 10:56 pm

    It might not be the USB voltage that is a problem but the actual USB configuration. Some newer devices don’t like USB 1.1 at all even though they are suppose to be backward compatible. What laptop did you try it on as I have cut from a number of laptops without a problem. Admittedly I am using a different plotter and different software.

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