Activity Feed Forums Vinyl Cutter Discussions Roland Cutters can anyone help me with blade problems and the CX 24?

  • can anyone help me with blade problems and the CX 24?

    Posted by firewithfire on July 28, 2004 at 2:38 pm

    i have a slight problem with my roland cx24 and any help or advice would be appreciated.

    I recently bought some (supposed) roland blades (60 & 45deg ) via a well known auction site as the blade in my machine had been there since i bought it two years ago. [Questionable authenticity !!!!!!!!!]

    A customer has asked me for 2 small text decals 100mm x 9mm high(small i know but not impossible??)
    When i cut these out (@ 5cm speed) the faceting on the curves was appalling. I did a standard test cut and the edges of the square where rounded on three of the corners and did’nt meet at the end.
    I tried both the 45 & 60 blades on various settings with equally appalling results……. I also cut a text decal @ 550 x35mm with similar results though not as noticeable.
    I read the help cd and it says to adjust the cutter force & blade extension, which i have tried to no avail. I have resorted to the old blade which looks better but still not good. It also mentions rollers needing replacing etc.

    [i] Do i need to adjust the offset to compensate for the blade difference??

    [ii] I appreciate i may have to get the machine serviced , rollers etc (anyone got a contact for someone in the leeds / huddersfield area for this??)

    [iii] The blades may be cr@p and a testament to the ‘get what you pay for’ – that and being made in mexico (:)

    [iv] Is this to be expected at such a ‘small’ size??? I have done some of similar size and can’t remember them being as badly faceted

    I am tearing my hair out over this


    Ben @firewithfire

    Chris Wool replied 19 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Robert Lambie

    July 28, 2004 at 3:09 pm

    who sells them mate? name and shame please :lol1: 😉

    ill have a think and reply later.. im popping out to a job at 4:15pm… 1 hour drive to fit built up stainless steel letters at this time. 😮 👿

  • Frank Droog

    July 28, 2004 at 4:35 pm

    Does your plotter have an internal test cut feature. Im sure it does.
    Part of the test cut will be a square. If the 4 corners of the square are rounded or spiked, then the blade offset id too low or high.

    But that shouldnt affect arcs too much. Blade offset usually is most noticable on corners, What program are you cutting from? Can you see if you can disable arc support in that program or the printer driver if using Rolands printer driver.

    Found this in the Roland CM manual. Should be in CX also.
    You should find SMOOTHING on the plotters menu somewhere.

    “SMOOTHING If you want the curves of circles and arcs to be cut smoothly, set this to “ON.” When on, however, small text or intricate designs may also be cut with rounded corners. If this happens, change the setting to “OFF” and perform cutting again.”

    Hope this helps
    Frank at cadlink

  • firewithfire

    July 28, 2004 at 4:42 pm

    cheers frank

    i tried the internal test cut to no avial

    will play around with the offset option in the meantime 😕

    i tried smooth On & Off – the decal is text so detail is rounding off (especially with the cr@p blades)

    i’m hoping a bit of trial and error with the offset option will work this out – i’ll let you know

  • Chris Wool

    July 28, 2004 at 5:56 pm

    if you are cutting from a ttf then change fonts and try again as a test if it cuts ok with avant garde bk bt then its your font the ofset is very important as is the smouthness of the blade holder apart from the mechanics of the rollers etc.

    if the blade holder has grit in it then only some corners will be rounded and poor weed


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