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  • Another Newbie Question….

    Posted by Chris Whitehead on April 25, 2006 at 2:23 am

    I should really be shot for asking this, but as i’ve explained before, im new to all this.

    Ive only for a p-cut 630, and basic set of vinyl colours whilst I learn.

    I am quite into my Jap cars and the sport of drifting 🙂 Now I fancy making some vinyls for the car, but large ones to cover the rear quarters and windows etc.

    Im confident enough to make them and get them on to app. tape.

    But whats the best way of getting them on the car, as i dont want them folding over and sticking in the wrong places…

    Better to start at the top n work down, removing bits of the backing paper at a time?

    I cant see another way of doing it, so any advice would be great.



    Chris Whitehead replied 18 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Sean Pooley

    April 25, 2006 at 5:48 am

    Morning Chris,

    Thats the way i normally do it mate.

    Just hinge the viynl at the top and take of just enough backing paper so the vinyl is manageable. then start in the centre of the vinyl and work outwards.

    Also the right type of vinyl for the job helps, I do a lot of Holographic vinyl on race cars and its like working with tin foil!!!! 😉

    Hope this helps

  • Chris Whitehead

    April 25, 2006 at 10:48 am

    Thanks Sean!

    Someone else suggested using a light stray of water? then apply over the top, as it would allow me to move the vinyl about a bit…

    The brush the water out from underneath..

    Any suggestions on this one?

  • Andy Gorman

    April 25, 2006 at 11:02 am

    It all depends on the curvature of the bodywork. If it curves in 2 directions, like on a rear wing, then do not apply wet. Practice is the only way. Sometimes it is easier to have a go to understand the best way to tackle a particular vehicle. On a flat surface hinge either at the top or at one end.

  • Chris Whitehead

    April 25, 2006 at 11:07 am

    Cheers Andy 🙂

    Its a Nisan 200sx so its like a cheese wedge with wheels 🙂

    I’ll get some before and after pictures 🙂

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