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  • Advertising truck/van, whats your views on this?

    Posted by Daniel Evans on May 10, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    I’m thinking of buying a flatbed truck/van and building a billboard on the back to advertise my business.

    I thought of just signwriting a van but I thought the billboard would have more impact.

    Has anyone tried this method to advertise their business?

    Has anyone experience in building one?

    What are your thoughts?

    Martin Lemiesz replied 6 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Kevin Mahoney

    May 10, 2018 at 12:54 pm

    We built one a couple of years ago using an old touring caravan chassis. The idea was to rent it out with banners bungee tied to it. Our town council despise them & jumped on clients almost within hours threatening all sorts of action. Even if it’s on private property there were all sorts of legal implications to contend with, third party advertising regulations & the like. A guy nearby just buys Luton vans now & abandons them on motorway islands. Lots of legal implications in my experience, ours just sits in the yard now

  • Alex Crosbie

    May 10, 2018 at 6:42 pm

    A Luton van taxed and insured in a lay-by that doesn’t have any time restrictions can sit there as long as you like. (I have one that does exactly this job) never had a complaint from anyone even when parked for several months.
    As long as you’re not causing an obstruction the most anyone can do is ask you nicely to move it.
    All you have to say is it’s main role is for work use and there’s nothing they can do…. if you say it’s for advertising then it will require local planning consent and everything that entails.


  • Daniel Evans

    May 10, 2018 at 7:15 pm

    Thanks Kevin and Alex. Lot more involved than I thought. I take it if I bought a Luton van, my idea of renting it out for advertising isn’t going to work, firstly who’s going to want to advertise on a Luton van and secondly how can I get away with it with the council. How do the main company’s with those mobile billboards manage it. Kevin what did you use to build yours? How would you insure this type of vehicle? Or should I just buy a van and sign write it, this way I can’t really get done and just park it on main roads saying that I’m currently working there even if I’m not.

  • Kevin Mahoney

    May 10, 2018 at 7:54 pm

    We built ours on a scrap caravan chassis. Made a framework from angle iron & covered in acm. New trailer mudguards & looked a treat. Had loads of calls from people wanting to use it but they wanted permission to leave it unattended around the city which I was unable to offer. I did make a few calls to the council to see if we could exploit a loophole or two but was scuppered very quickly. It may just be our local council not all, they still outlaw internally illuminated signage around here unless it’s for a big chain ( they obviously know what strings to pull ) but make a few anonymous enquiries to see if you can get away with it. They do get noticed I have to say

  • Daniel Evans

    May 10, 2018 at 8:54 pm

    Thanks Kevin, do you have any pictures?

  • Kevin Mahoney

    May 10, 2018 at 9:20 pm

    Hi Daniel, there’s a video on our website under latest projects.

  • Martin Lemiesz

    May 10, 2018 at 9:37 pm
    quote Kevin Mahoney:

    We built ours on a scrap caravan chassis. Made a framework from angle iron & covered in acm. New trailer mudguards & looked a treat. Had loads of calls from people wanting to use it but they wanted permission to leave it unattended around the city which I was unable to offer. I did make a few calls to the council to see if we could exploit a loophole or two but was scuppered very quickly. It may just be our local council not all, they still outlaw internally illuminated signage around here unless it’s for a big chain ( they obviously know what strings to pull ) but make a few anonymous enquiries to see if you can get away with it. They do get noticed I have to say

    We did the same and use ours everyday it caries 10×5 sheets and ladders – no one want’s to hire it unfortunately…

  • Daniel Evans

    May 10, 2018 at 10:22 pm

    I like it, thanks guys. Think I’m just gonna go ahead and do it, worst case scenario I just sell the thing. Gonna build the metal frame and use acm to board it out. Would aluminium box tubing work or would that be too weak? I personally can’t weld or have the tools to do it but there’s a welder down the road that should be able to do it. Just need to source the metal for frames if anyone knows a good source? Do you screw the acm or rivet it?

  • Alex Crosbie

    May 10, 2018 at 10:23 pm

    The bigger advertising vehicles generally have a permanent driver and don’t stop for long. That way they don’t require planning permission.
    As a money making venture it isn’t something I’d want to get involved with having looked in to it in depth.

  • David Stevenson

    May 10, 2018 at 11:46 pm

    We’ve re-sheeted a few trailers of this style. Quite a lot of them seem to have a timber frame covered with 18mm plywood. It’s just a case of screwing new sheets of a cm onto them. Could possibly be a route you could go down which you many be able to do yourself instead of having to buy steel and pay someone to weld.

  • Simon Worrall

    May 11, 2018 at 6:29 am

    If you get a box truck you have the same size coverage and you get a truck to use.
    Not to mention less liklihood of being stopped from doing it by an authority.

  • Martin Lemiesz

    May 12, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    Ours is welded from 20mm mild steel box section with alu comp straight on it with some silicone to stop ratling, hardwood ply floor, removable top section and 3.6m ladder ‘pocket’ …we are proud of it 🙂

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