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  • Advertising on the web

    Posted by A Misselbrook on May 5, 2005 at 12:36 am

    Ive been thinking about starting a website to advertise myself, is this an easy thing to do? Could I get away with just a webpage showing examples of work etc? and does anyone know roughly what it would cost to make up a webpage and a website? Thanks AJ

    Paul Cox replied 19 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Dorian Marks

    May 5, 2005 at 9:26 am

    Last year we got Illustrator and Adobe GoLive came with this. Like yourself we only started to seriously look at websites recently , using one of the templates on GoLive we designed a web site within about 8 hours on-and-off. The next quiet day/fine spell we have to get pictures of some of our work for the portfolio page to complete the site. We have registered the domain name, but will not host until the pictures are in. So, to answer your question.

    Software – Eur. 0
    Design – Eur 0 (whats this about minimum wage?)
    Domain Reg – Eur 10.00 for one year
    Hosting – Eur. 40.00 per year

    These are, we think, all of the costs associated with this project.

    Admittedly the site is basic, and will not win any awards for web standards but it tells the punters what we do and gives us some exposure on the www.


  • Andrew Usher

    May 5, 2005 at 9:53 am

    ill see if i can offer some advice.

    It basically comes down to what you want and your experience.

    software wise, you cant go wrong with macromedia dreamweaver, its expensive, BUT you can download a trial program for 30 days which would give you time to try it out. I would advise trying a few programs out to see what program suits you better.

    Domain names are cheap to buy, a .com is about 25 pounds for two years, with a being about 12 pounds, you can shop around for the best deal.

    Webhosting varies, an american company works out at 99 dollars a year for everything i would need, including secure server for ecommerce etc.

    Think hard on this one, and how you overall want to host your pages, do you want further down the line to have the option for customers to pay online, automated databases etc. If you do then go for either php and mysql, or asp and odbc connections or a sql server.

    If you are on a very tight budget and your site it initially going to be very basic, then you can get some free webspace, and point your domain to it. In this case your maximum outlay will be your time to put together some basic pages and the domain name price.



  • Alison Falzon

    May 5, 2005 at 10:29 am

    I built my website myself, using Microsoft Frontpage. I also have Dreamweaver, which is more advanced than Frontpage. You can build simple websites using programes like Microsoft Publisher, and even Word has got templates that you can use….

    I paid for the domain name, which was about ten pounds for 2 years, and have it directed to my free webspace which you normally get from your internet service provider (NTL in my case). The cost of the domain name included catch-all email as well – which I have directed to my normal email address.

    You can make it as complicated as you want – it’s quite simple to build a web page if you just want to have “presence” on the internet, otherwise there are a whole load of avenues to explore if you want to go as far as online secure shopping etc…..

    I would definitely have a go at it yourself – there’s nothing to lose!


  • A Misselbrook

    May 5, 2005 at 4:20 pm

    thanks for the information! Im going to have a go at putting something together thats very basic to begin with mainly due to the fact that I have absolutely no funds available!! I think I need to get my name out there as Ive only been on my own since the beginning of the year. So I need to build things up slowly. I only have my home p.c. and a load of brushes, gold leaf, one shot, etc. I work from home (which we are trying to do up as well!) Ive taken over the dining room as a workshop, but im slowly taking over the whole house!!! 😎

  • onestopsigns

    May 5, 2005 at 5:07 pm

    hi i use frontpage and host it with nd hosting

    my hosting for first site was 40 quid but my main site i only paid 23 quid incluiding a dot com

    front page open a template and copy paste wat u need
    simple as can be or though with out a template its looks very daunting and complicated
    frontpage comes with office 2003 if ya aint got it im sure i can send ya a disk


  • Simon Clayton

    May 5, 2005 at 5:35 pm

    I did mine about 6 months ago, used front page, never done anything like this before, i think it turned out really well for first attempt..

  • Lee Harris

    May 5, 2005 at 6:19 pm

    Hi Simon

    Check your web address again. You have put a , instead of a . between co & uk

    Nice Site.


  • Simon Clayton

    May 5, 2005 at 6:29 pm

    Well spotted Lee



  • Paul Cox

    May 5, 2005 at 6:38 pm


    Love the Creative Stems shop front!! Great job!


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