Mirror failure. Thought i would share the good, bad and ugly
So last week things didnt go as planned with this job. Luckily this is probably the first time this has ever happened to me, made me feel physically sick for many days.
So, with this mitsubishi i added all the red vinyl as seen in the pics. Not the type of job i do on a regular basis but it went well….apart from the mirrors. Once the job was completed it was 3 hours afterwards when i noticed the vinyl on the mirrors pulling back from the top edge. I had no choice but to strip them off and as the customer was on his way to collect, leave them undone. I explained what had happened and that i would “investigate” why.
Wrapping is not something i do weekly, especially on personal vehicles however over the years ive done bonnets, roofs, dechroming and plenty of half wraps on lorry cabs and vans and never had a problem. Now with mirrors ive only every done one other set and that was on a van so not as curved as these.
Now i have the same car and mirrors so im going to try and figure out why this happened but im 99% sure i already know the answer. Either ive over stretched the vinyl or not post heated enough.
Any thoughts welcomed.
Material used was Avery SWF. Its 100% fitter error not vinyl failure.
This discussion was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by
Martyn Heath.
This discussion was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by
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