Thanks for the replies guys. I ended up just printing them as I had to go out for the day to do some fittings, so I left the printer running all day.
@David-Stevenson do you not hem your banners? I hem all my banners. I just don’t think they feel as durable and I doubt my customer would accept them if they did not have a hem on them. Maybe that’s just me?
@david-wilde1 I think you are right. At the end of the day it is probably cheaper.
My logic was a banner will take five to ten minutes to print but cut vinyl as a single line of text in a minute if that!
quick and easy, slap it on up the middle and onto the next. Whereas the machine will still be plodding away. I could have laid up most in the time it takes to print them and still have to hem and eyelet.
I also have a bunch of part rolls of banner material that wouldn’t go through the printer now, but I could utilise them also if I was doing it in cut vinyl.
All considered now, I think I was just thinking along this route because I didn’t have a lot on to do and thought it might be a better use of my time while saving a bit. Maybe a bit of false economy on my part.