Intro from the man with the largest cupboard in Scotland
Been looking over the site for a while and it’s now time to say hello. We posted an image of one of our jobs yesterday and have been delighted with the response – thanks for all your help. For those of you who didn’t see it, we have just started out in vehicle lettering and are thoroughly enjoying it so far and learning all the time. I have a mate who runs his own business selling commercial vehicles and the majority of our work comes from there. Also I am an LGV driver so mix in all the right circles!
When we first looked into starting up the business, we looked in a free ads paper and found for sale a cutter, pc and software at a price we could afford. Some of the dinosaurs out there may recognise the equipment – we have a Houston DMP60 Series Cutter and Vinyl Writer software. Any salesmen I have spoken to have nagged on and on about the need for us to buy newer equipment, but so far it’s doing us okay – don’t mend it till it breaks! (Typical Jock). The whole shebang including stock of vinyl, tape etc lives in a cupboard under our stairs – possibly the smallest sign shop in the world (or the biggest cupboard).
We are learning all the time and may at times ask some very stupid questions but please bear with us. Your help is appreciated.
Dawn and John (the one syllable family)
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