Fake Knifeless-Tape now being be sold into the wrapping industry.
I have posted in the past about fake counterfeit wrapping vinyl being sold on eBay and the like.
These vinyl’s come in a wide range of finishes complete with manufacturing branding on the release liners. Such as 3M, Avery, Oracal and more… but they are completely fake Chinese manufactured budget polymeric vinyl.
Anyway, I thought I would post about 3M Knifeless-Tape now, as I see you can now buy this via some Chinese import supersites like Alibaba and Aliexpress, from as little as £6.50 for 50 metres!
I have been sent and tried some of the fake vinyl, but not the knifeless-tape. All I can say is it is cheap crap and does not perform as it should at all! So I imagine the same will apply with the knifeless-tape.
I guess you could be thinking, what could go wrong? well, for a start, the cutting filament could be fragile and snap a lot. Even real knifeless-tape is prone to this.The tape may leave a lot of residual adhesives behind after removed. again, similar happens with the real knifeless-tape. there’s actually a lot more could go wrong, but I will leave this at that.
has anyone come across this tape being sold in the UK in particular?
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