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  • Bonnet, roof wrap vinyl

    Posted by Brian Bird on May 24, 2021 at 4:37 pm

    Hi all

    I got a couple of customers wanting some printed graphics for their bonnet of their cars

    and maybe their roof doing depending on how the bonnets go first. The sides of the car are ok for now and don’t really need changing ass of yet. But maybe if it goes well it might lead on to getting them done or a bit more work out of it down the line.

    What print film would you recommend for print and wrap (basically its for race cars with their own full colour design on) (the design is done ready to go)

    I don’t normally do print wraps as I mainly make shop signs a bit of car and motorbike graphics .etc but looking to open the door a bit wider. I can designs so that’s no issue if I was to move a bit more in that direction just want to dip my toe in the water. (they are going to wrap the bonnet themself)

    Just looking about at print films to part wrap various bits there is not many curves or bumps in the bonnet so I am not really looking at dead expensive top notch wrap film or high end films something that will do the job well and look that part and hopefully last a bit that’s if they don’t manage to crash while racing. But on the other side of the coin, I might look into selling some designs printed on air release.

    Please go easy on me….

    Many thanks for your time


    • This discussion was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by  Brian Bird.
    Brian Bird replied 3 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Graham Scanlan

    May 25, 2021 at 5:20 am

    Hi Brian,

    Bonnets and roofs have compound curves so I recommend you go down the cast route with bubble free adhesive and maybe Slidable, this way you can get the job done quicker and less hassle.

    Avery MPI 1104ea or MPI 1105ears with matching Lam, Oracal 3951RA, Arlon SLX

    You should be able to buy in small Kits, we offer 10 mtr / 25 mtr / 50 mtr kits so it’s easier on the pocket

    Remember you can go down the cheap vinyl path but your time is the most expensive part of the job, if it takes longer to fit it’s false economy

  • Brian Bird

    May 25, 2021 at 12:35 pm

    Hi Graham

    Many thanks for you taking the time to reply… Very much appreciated.

    The one customer I am kind of going to sponsor him (as it is a very good friend of my son’s I know most of his cash goes to keeping the car sorted so he can race as I know its not cheap to do) But his friend who he races with also wants his roof and bonnet and some other small bits doing they both have designs ready for print.. They are also fitting it them self. They have installed graphics before so I am just doing the print for them and they seem to have done a good job in the past as I have seen the cars. (Easy way out for me just to print)

    This could possibly lead on to more from them and others who they race with. As this is not my normal work. I am prepared to dip my toes a bit and kind of see where it goes.

    I don’t have a major rush to get the films for them as such just seeing what’s about and what others use or recommend to start out with.


  • David Stevenson

    May 25, 2021 at 6:23 pm

    Hi Brian, we use a lot of Oracal 3951GRA which is a great material. Oracals 3551RA is also worth looking at for shorter term jobs. It’s a polymeric film which confirms nicely around basic curves and also has a repositionable adhesive. It’s been a game changer for us for jobs where the likes of 3651 is just too tacky.

  • David Hammond

    May 25, 2021 at 8:16 pm

    I admire you for wanting to do it right.

    However, From personal experience, run.

    Do Your sons mates with whatever you have lying around, as from experience they don’t want to pay for the quality materials unless their at the top of their game, and getting paid sponsorship (BSB kind of level) at which point they’ll pay for their signage.

    The promise of more work, take with a pinch of salt… if you do happen to get more work it’ll be more ‘low value’ work. Just look at the number of signmakers that started off making stickers for their own race cars to save money.

    Been There, done that with sponsorship, with various sports from ‘elite’ level to grassroots.

    In answer to your question though, there’s also the likes of Metamarks MDX, MDC, our preference is SLX. Its a lot of money to lay out on a roll of media on the hope of more work.

  • Brian Bird

    May 28, 2021 at 11:59 pm

    Hi Guy’s

    Again many thanks for the reply’s it is very much appreciated.

    I will have a good look about at my options for the boys cars and have another conversation with them.

    Yes I agree with 99% of customers play their face with willing to pay for decent materials and graphics, So I will have to look at a compromise with the costs and see if it is worth it or not especially for myself. I know the 2 lads cars they do change their graphics quite often. Especially if they crash them. (I know the graphics they have had done in the past are not the best quality at all and do look really cheaply made. I know where some of them come from but I am not here to start slating other sellers or who designed and made them.

    Both have said they didn’t mind paying for decent graphics as they have had seen some of my work already that I have done.

    Again many many thanks.


  • Peter Cassidy

    May 31, 2021 at 2:07 pm

    Arlon SLX for me too. especially for roofs and bonnets where the vinyl sitting on top. it makes sliding about and positioning much easier.

  • Chris Wilson

    May 31, 2021 at 5:26 pm

    Another one for SLX.

    It’s worth doing.

    Maybe am just Lucky but always picked up work from the sponsors. One of which now spends 2-3k a month with us. Also find its useful to have folks in your corner, just picked up a cap order as one of the boys we do motorcross stuff for, spotted a post on Facebook and chipped in. Not that I sponsor every Tom dick and Harry, but for the 10 or so we have, am quite happy.

  • Brian Bird

    June 7, 2021 at 11:46 am

    Sorry for the really late reply guys…

    Again very much appreciated indeed.

    Will have a good look now for the films…

    Again with me dipping my toe in the water with this I didn’t want to have rolls and meters and meters of print vinyl just sitting around not really getting used but then again.. If I do get sales .etc then that is another story lol as its less of the 2 evils with the rolls and the meters I go for.

    suppose only myself can answer that one…..

    Many thanks again for your time guys very much appreciated.

    stay safe


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