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Anyone had experiance with Digitally Printed Flexiface
Posted by Neil Kelly on December 2, 2002 at 10:49 pmI need to quote on a shop facia 5.5m x 1.3m full Colour Digi print I was thinking flex face to avoide joins anyone had any experiance with this or got any contacts/trade suppliers
thanks in advance
richard clark replied 22 years ago 5 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
I would argue the point for flex face on this if only to have no joints , a std light box with 5mm opal panels and a good panel joint will do the trick
Just my opinion !!!!!!!
Hi Paul ive considered perspex but the background colour is a redy brown colour. In the past with translucent vinyl on acrylic facias however tight we make the rebate joins use panel locks etc you always get that thin line at the join
what do you do to minimise this.Neil…..
Hi Neil.
I have some Experience in flexi face signs they are good for the right job.
But as you are saying about the colour be careful that you get samples as some colours when printed do weird things when backlit.
Kestrels springflex is easy to use if you have no experience and they are helpful
A lot of other systems are quite fddly to fit and require more than one visit when fitted.
That said if its a big sign its easier than humping sheets of perspex aboutRegards FB
i second what bob said there neil… thats the third time i think ive been told kestral springflex system is the business… i am sure liam from west one signs just did a big job with the same stuff and said it was a dream…
he is a full UKSG member also… details in the memberslist.. he maybe able to give you some advice if you tell him you are also a member of the UKSG 😉 -
OOPPS NEVER FINISHED… WITH REGARDS TO THE LIGHT GETTING THROUGH THE JOIN IN THE PERSPAEX NEIL… would a tongue and groove joint not be the anser… with the back peice of the groove being black perspex… i would have thought that would block the light even if it opened a little… 🙄
Dont tell me ya dont know how to do lap joints….lol
Demo coming ASAP but briefly you route a lap joint on the ends of both acrylic panels which lets them overlap each other so you get no light through the joint
then you glue a clear acrylic strip on to the back of one of the panels, this
has the purpose of sandwiching the panels together and making a strong windproof joint….you dont see anything because you have used clear and your vynil will sit perfectly together
paul… if its a blacked out panel… as in black though. surely the clear peice should be black incase the join opens? this way it would still hide the light.. 🙄
Aye true but if its a black panel with a digital print on it, i guess id not bother illuminating it …lol
The lap usually stops light penetration the strip just keeps the thing tight
yeh i guess the lap should keep it true… but to be honest in the past we had one sign that was sagging a little in the middle so you could see the light down the join from an angle.. we stuck on a 6 inch broad peice of perspex down the bak and it hid the small bit of light that could be seen… all that said i do agree with you… 😕 😆 😆 😆
Thanks Robert it would work on a very dark negative cut facia but it could cause a dark line on a translucent vinyl mid coloured panel. I have sprayed the sleeve joint before and on a recent light box used a blue permanent marker along the rebate join edge to take the glare out of the joint. But this would be difficult on a Digitally printed graphic made up of different colours. I think Flexi is the way has anyone fitted digitally printed vinyl to flexface signs? or does it have to be printed direct to the face.
Cheers Rob Il contact Liam and see how he got on
Thanks Bob for the tip Re Kestrel.
Regards Neil…………
neil im sure the one liam did was digitaly printed also… to cut costs it maybe better to get it done before applying the face… racoon and superwide both do it im sure… hi rez racoon , low rez superwide… thats if raccoon cant beat or equal there price of course 😉
again richard at raccoon now uses this site.. you could ask for him and see if he can work somthing out for you… 😀
hi Neil – Robert
I have not Stuck a Digi Print to a Flexi But Have put Vinyls on
Usually the Expensive Avery stuff for Curtain siders.
But I have put Others on That we understood were for short term use.
A digi print will only come with a 3 ? year Guarantee I Belive
but then thats all your likely to get if the face is printed.
It will never last as long as a perspex will last as a colored object.
and this will have to be considered when you talk to your customers about his
needs as he will be paying a premium for the flexi look which will also require possible renewal of the face in 3-4 years.Hope this helps
Regards FB
good point bob…
the prints do last 3 years unlaminated but a fair bit longer if laminated…
none the less im sure this should be taken into consideration for flex face…
with regards to the perspex.. i know the colour will outride the flexface. but, the flexface will out ride the perspex when bricks are thrown at it..vandalism i mean . 😉 😆
the perspex will also have to have the digi print applied to the face and will also need renewal in 3 years or so… like the flexface…i guess thers pros and cons in both…
one big issue with flex face from the sign makers point of veiw is maintenance…
only one man is needed to change a fascia bulb of about 3o foot by 6 foot fascia.. a big saving..
flexface comes on a pivett hinges… so when the signmaker comes back to maintain the sign he simply undoes some screws and lifts the face up…
once up it locks and he reaches in and changes bulbs, transfomers whatever… he can also clean the rear/inside easily.
some flexface systems are on a crank system where the sign guy just attaches a small crank to side of box and winds it open…
again excellent for maintenance -
regarding applying vinyl onto flexface material. You have to make sure that the flexface material is not coated, as this can cause problems. Basically it has to be flexface that is not manufactured for digital printing, but for accepting cut vinyl graphics.
We would normally print digitally onto either cast translucent from 3M, which is reccomended for the job, or a standard white translucent, for which we can offer no guarantee of performance. As is normal, the choice is yours.
richard, raccoon digital
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